hall landing and stairs

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Private Member
just wondering what access equipment to use to plaster the wall on the landing, which your back faces, as you walk up the stairs. cheers :P
more often than not i do it in two halves just using a ladder to do what i can't reach from the stairs
Same here just use a ladder and plank skim down as far as i can go and then drop down and skim the bottom bit straight away, you dont get a scar line that way
You can always put tool box on a step lean a ladder against the wall gets you up a bit further the rest you can reach from the landing all be it stood on the hand rail they are a pain in the arse!
sounds a bit sketch dave, i was more concerned about were to lean the ladder after uve put the first coat of plaster on
much prefer plastering the bigger walls with, no windows, no sockets, no radiators and no door frames.... might employ lab to do the rest. ;D
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