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External Rendering

I am currently doing C&G in plastering,
This is how I was shown how to render
note, i have done this formula three times already and no cracking as of yet

Test background for suction, clean wall and dampen with water slightly if needed then

scratch coat.......
Build your screeds as necessary
fill in with the scratch coat and work off wet screeds

5-1 with feb mix and waterproofer and key up..
depending on the weather, leave for about 5 -7 days,
after day 2 and day 4 go back and hose the wall (as drying and curing process is occuring)

Top coat....
dampen down then 5-1 again or 4-1 with feb mix only or 4-1-1 with lime
apply top coat, after half hour rub down with a
plastic float to close in and use bit of gear for any voids and rub in
(not sponge wall as this brings the stones out of the wall)

do figure of eights with the plastic float not circular motions as when
the sun shines on the side of the wall/house you will not see the continous
circular motions

if you were rendering an old cottage, you would use lime

say 5 -1 (5 sand and 1 lime) no cement at all

as lime never fully sets, and the old cottages need to breath

what do you all think of this formula,

doesnt matter how much experience you got ,thats not right, each coat of render should bo weaker and thinner!
there is a proper guide done by a bloke called essexandy. read that. and once you've read it print it off and give it to these 20 year in the trade plasterers, they might learn a thing or two
your still not making yourself clear.... how old are you?
I know it has to be thinner, that goes without saying

so what would u do as a top?
spark2010 said:
your still not making yourself clear.... how old are you?
I know it has to be thinner, that goes without saying

so what would u do as a top?

and what has age got to do with anything?

i've been taught the correct way. funnily enough the same way everyone on here does it.
so basically this way i have been shown is completly wrong?
thats what i want... peoples opinion, im not getting upset over it

i want the opinions
i wasnt trying to be cocky or anything, just telling you the truth. its wrong. andy explains why in that post of his. although i've never heard of rubbing up in a figure of 8. i've always seen circular so i can't comment on that.
spark2010 said:
what is right as these guys who showed me have all 20 - 30 years experience

I know spreads with 35 years behind them and they think pva outside is fine.

applying the product with skill so it looks good is one thing, but I am a firm beleiver that if you know nothing about the chemicals or products you use then you aint coming in.
pretty much everyone has said its wrong...

'each successive coat of render should be weaker than its predessesor'...

5:1 scratch followed by a 4:1 float coat isnt weaker..

thats funny.. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
spark2010 said:
funny thing is, there has been some coments on this but nobody
actually said this rendering formula was wrong???

look at the 1st post after your original post "your top coat should be weaker than your scratch."
this means in other words your formula is wrong :)
Some people cant get their heads around numbers - and I'm not saying that means you sparky - but some think that 4:1 is weaker than 5:1 because 4 is smaller than 5.
A bit like this.........[youtube][/youtube]

fair enough... so what we are saying in scratch coat say 3-1
and top coat 5-1

are we getting somewhere now or am still way out?
spark2010 said:

fair enough... so what we are saying in scratch coat say 3-1
and top coat 5-1

Depends on the background lol where are you learning and have you spoke to your lecturers today?

are we getting somewhere now or am still way out?
on brick i go 4:1 scratch 5:1:1 top coat
on thermalites 5:1 scratch 6:1:1 top coat

always done circular motion for rubbing up
i am learning at able skills, dartford

only one tutor said this formula, another did actually say 4-1 then 5-1
no i havent spoke to them today, have my 9 day exam at the end of this month

ya circular motions everyone seems to do, i do as well as its easier,
but figure of eights, for wherever the sun will be shining on, if you think
about it, some houses you can see the float sweeps throught the paint
spark2010 said:
i am learning at able skills, dartford

only one tutor said this formula, another did actually say 4-1 then 5-1
no i havent spoke to them today, have my 9 day exam at the end of this month

ya circular motions everyone seems to do, i do as well as its easier,
but figure of eights, for wherever the sun will be shining on, if you think
about it, some houses you can see the float sweeps throught the paint

aslong as its flat enough circular or figure of eights it doesnt make any odds.
im glad i asked this question on rendering, thanks for the help

top coat weaker...ok got it coat weaker, top coat weaker!!!
spark2010 said:
aslong as its flat enough circular or figure of eights it doesnt make any odds.

ok mate... it doesnt

good :) you have also spelt wrong wrong on the heading of this subject :)
try this, find yourself a really quick spider, chuck it on a dry spot and chase it round the wall with the float, they'll stay away from the damp spots to keep their feet dry so they dont get render on em etc and that way you wont end up floating a bit that isnt quite ready...
not a lot of people know that.. ;)
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