got a job to price

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Private Member
i just been offerd a job to price my first job as a main contractor. as i have been a suby for several years. not to big but just wonderd what kinda of m2 price for 600m float end set suply and fix
not being funny mate but i dont expect you will get an answer, how does someone know there not going for the same job. Dont want to start a fight but its like someone asking how much you earn. if your a subby then you should know the labour price and should know how much materail so work it out from there.
you have to work it out for yourself mate .... is it one big wall , loads of small area etc etc it all effects the price
work out how far a bag of hardwall goes and finish, thickness of hardwall,heights of walls, take out doors and windows, add beads for external angles and windows, new work or old, and pva or other bonding agents, times that by 600m then how long it will take ya and how much you want a day then double it simple.
Double it . like that 1 mate. Yeah i know the labour cost for a subby and materials price and coverage but i may as well stay as a suby if im gna work for the same . N e ways got a meeting with their QS and contracts manager tomoz. so will av to see how it goes.
never worth the hasstle at £10 m2 ... meetings, organising gear and men then waiting months to be paid.

at least £12.

I priced a big hardwall job the other day supply and fix and went in at £20 per m2, spoke to the qs on friday and was told out of 5 of us i was in with a very good chance of getting the job
nice1 rich. 12 sounds more likely than ten. considering it will cost bout £2 m2. im only suplying hardwall and skim as the rooms are jst 1 door wall and 2 flats. the window wals have been borded so i jst need to skim them. like you say £10 ist tight considering month from invoice n all the hastle. cheers for the heads up buddie.
first of all go to and check out the main contractors finances it will cost you the mega sum of £2.00 to do this...
600 m2 of float and set @ £20.00 per m2 = £12,000.00
less materials @ say £ 4.00 per m2 = £3,600.00 = after material £8,400.00 you then sub the work out at a canny rate of lets say £5.00 per m2 that cost you 600 x £5.00 = £3,000.00
gives you a pre tax profit of £5,400.00
if you are a registered subby then you will pay 20% tax on this amount if not 30% so best senario is 20% so you are left with £4,320.00
OK so now im getting to the point DIVIDE THE £4,300.00 by 600 = £7.17 per m2 profit if you go in at £15.00 per m2 you make £2.17 per m2 profit IE £1,302.00
if you start to supply material you need to concider the vat you pay on them? it all adds up... refer to my other post about being an employer....
its not difficult but you have to register with then become either a sole trader, partnership, ltd company and file your accounts... if you are going to get a lot of these contracts then go for it and become a registered employer or subcontractor however the profit on this job if any would not pay set up and or accountancy fees to keep you out of trouble with the tax man... been there done the lot mate... tell the guy labour ony and you will have no hassle
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