GoldTrowel DVD's

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New Member
Does anyone have a copy of these DVD's? Link Removed
I was looking at them on ebay but they're more than I want to pay for DVD's. I thought they'd be handy for reference purposes.
If anyone has seen them are they any good? I would still like to buy them but need a bit reassurance about them.
I have them still watch them now pretty spot on collection actually... I would just advise to buy them from the main Gold trowel site!!

All the best

i have 1 of them i fort it was wank dint even explane about skimin just got on and did it..and mixed up with an old skool stick!
i have 1 of them i fort it was wank dint even explane about skimin just got on and did it..and mixed up with an old skool stick!
what they dont even explain or nowt?youd think they would give you tips or somthing :-?
your better off buying the set of 6 dvds, theres 2 perfect skimming techniques dvd's which explain about skimming
Does anyone have a DVD collection that they want to sell? I'd prefer all 6 if possible. PM me if you do.
I still haven't heard from anyone, just thought I'd give one last plee for anyone with the dvd's to get in touch. :)
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