Goldtrowel Course

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New Member
Hi Guys,

I am looing at taking the 6 week city and guilds course with a company called Goldtrowel in Essex. I have no experience in plastering but am very much interested in becoming one and so i'm looking at various courses.

Has anyone out there trained with Goldtrowel? And if they have do you learn enough on the 6 week course to be able to go it alone in the big wide world i.e run your own business ?

Thanks for your advice in advance guys and girls!!
Welcome to the forum ;) plastering courses are a good introduction to the trade they show you the basic skills needed to become a plasterer , but after six weeks you will be know where near ready to earn a living in plastering know matter what claims are made imo, it takes years not weeks, but like i said its a good starting point and i do know of loads of guys running a plastering business with very limited knowedge of the trade but they get by.
Yeah mate, i really echo the points in Church's post. Not matter what they tell you you will not be earning £300 per day especially in the current climate. Have a look at a few centres, they are not the only ones who offer this type of "training" and if you decided to go for it then take small steps matey and you might just get by.
You will get similiar posts to these mate but they are realistic and not the fantasy world of plastering they will tell you about. Whatever you decide all the best mate.
must admit,didnt no what a golden trowel course was till reading past topics over week end.i think you would be better asking lads on here or local to your area in the trade to take you free of charge for six weeks,to actually see whats involved starting from the labouring for a week then moving onto small areas of floating.least you would get realistic view of whats involved from the bottom saving you money only cost your time.but at least your not paying a company.and see the job from the real world.
Cheers for your replys guys,

I'm actually already working in a completly different industry anyway which I won't give up so the plastering will be there to make a bit of money up as part-time, so i won't be jumping in the deep end and relying on it to pay my bills or anything, if i do the course i'll take on little jobs first and see how i go, then start to build from there up, does that sound like a good idea?

Thanks again
go for it mate just tell the people you work for youre gold trowel trained and when they start saying things like time served just change the subject takes a few years working alongside a spread to get it right dont kid yourself mate :)
Ignore spunkybum he's just jealous cos he's not a real plasterer, if i was you i would pack my job in then go to goldtrowel and then wait for the money to roll in ;) welcome by the way
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