Gloss Paint

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New Member
Alright guys,

How do you all re skim over gloss paint, I heard of a few methods, one being PVA days before the job, then pva on the day and skim. And another method being sand the wall to give it a key, then PVA and skim.

Thanks for any help.
u know wot lads....that 'devil float' trick is a bloody good one....never thought of that myself, in desparate circumstances attacking it with the stanley was the way round it...bllody ell, devil float the bollox out of it..why didnt i think of that 8-)
what it does is give you back the key...
another way might be 'thistle bond it'...basically gloss paint with sand in it to give you the key...never tried it for the reason that it does away with suction and relies purely on a mechanical key, which to my mind is agianst the laws of physics, but a lot do swear by it...personally i hate the way that without suction it grins at you for an hour then goes off all at once, giving you zero chance of getting a decent finish, but ive never tried it so i dont really know...god im full of shite..
your too sharp you pugster you must be a northerner too.. 8-)
actually ive had no dinner and 3 cans of cold carling soon as i walked in the door...
dot and dab massive stairwells...f'ckin dont..not on a friday... :D
when using thistle bond it. states should always use board finish. i lay first coat thick to cover grit. i find first trowel a bit rough. straight over again. comes up good.. i didn't get on with it at first but would use this over pva. ;D
right..see im a multi man, mainly overskims, control the suction resaonably and i dont get too many problems..
now i appreciate boardy doesnt really need too much suction (courtesy of gary b) so you reckon if ive got a real headache of a wall then bondit+board finish does the job?
yeah defo. it says only use board finish only in the white book..tried with multi. first coat didn't want to go off. took ages.. poor finish. can also bond over thistle bond it if wall really needs it. ;)
u know wot? ive learnt some of my best tricks down the pub..talkin to specialists...long as i can remember em in the mornin!!
best one springs to mind was puttin shapes in block pavin...pave your area, lay your shape on top, draw round it with black marker, cut it out with styl saw, lift old blocks, replace with shape blocks, sand it and whack it...job done...looks the bollox....
groutin floors too...mix up reaaaaaal dry, like u were pointing slabs...let it go right off and then reaaaalll wet sponge...lovely job...none o this wet grout all over the tiles business...forums/pubs are great arent they?
btw foxcroft theres y'tip....thistle bondit+board finish...gonna do the best job...take it from the experts... :D
I've never used board finish but the beer and ping is going down well, used bond it a few times and always coated with multi and its fine. If you're feeling a bit skint really thick coat of pva and screed with sand. Only problem with bond it is the price its top dollar!
what about WBA personally havent used it but everyone raves on about it on here and how cheap it is compared to bond-it. What i can gather its the same product.
WBA or bondit. no need to key it first. probs give it a clean wiv sugar soap if its greasy. Let bonding agengt dry and crack on.
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