getting very worried

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live in blackpool but work all over north west but havnt got a sniff of anything starting to panic a wife 2 babies etc etc been in game 30 years and this is getting like early 80s anyone one with any leads anywhere be appreciated
i have morgage to babys aswell...luckly i have work every other week at the moment..hoe it picks up for you mate.
Im the same lad had 1 and half days since xmas , have advert in local rag not 1 call , same as you wife two kids and mortage , im not entitled to f##k all , things really bad at moment mate there a lot of people in the same boat . im thinking of applying for some other jobs but dont want to id rather be plastering but needs must :(
bad here too had 1 days work since xmas. starting back on the taxis thurs,fri,sat to keep ticking over, can also give out flyers at same time, hopefully pick up a few jobs with out having to drop prices just too secure it. if you do it cheap once they expect it all the time.
How hard you looking for it , i had nowt when a big job went tits up before xmas , in 2 days i managed to find work for all of us , now booked till nearly end of Feb.
rockhardsolidplastering said:
live in blackpool but work all over north west but havnt got a sniff of anything starting to panic a wife 2 babies etc etc been in game 30 years and this is getting like early 80s anyone one with any leads anywhere be appreciated
rockhardsolidplastering said:
live in blackpool but work all over north west but havnt got a sniff of anything starting to panic a wife 2 babies etc etc been in game 30 years and this is getting like early 80s anyone one with any leads anywhere be appreciated
I live in Cleveleys mate, still workin at the mo around Preston, Bolton, Chorley nothing round ours at all eh.
you a subby ? You tried B&S ? they usually have something
yes pft tried b and s tried evey number i can find on internet all over north west tried window companies ,kitchen, bathroom ,electricians anyone i can think of im not waiting around for people to find me i am trying. by the way im not looking for sympathy just needed to vent my frustration .

fylde coast has always been poo always had to travel thats the way it is


ive been whoring myself evrywhere..any site i see..jobcentre at builders merchant.....has paid off same a kebab king..but i think its very location location.......i really hope it picks up for u fella...chin up son
Solids right ,its crap where we live never been any good. If you want to work in the penny arcade or wipe old peoples arses then your ok
sorry mate no leads dead here too but i hope you find something and if it does go tits up f**k it at least weve got our health.... ;)
Me and Bingo have just Started a job in Milton Keynes for our firm,prices have dropped but nice big walls,skim only and still making a good wage, going to a nuthouse next near newark,got 6 months work float and set job. i feel sorry for you chaps who do domestic stuff.

personally ive always done anything domestic commercial sites whatever doent really matter just up our way im struggling at the mo been there before tho so hopefully ill get lucky

ps thanks for your recommends

job on site . work in aire . £6 a hour if your a top spread they will push the boat out for you to £6.50 . f**k me betty.
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