getting the best finish

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New Member
hi i am new to plastering and i having a bit trouble with getting it on even is there a knack to it or is it just practice? i also have a bit trouble with my finish its nothing major just a few scratches a few small holes and a little uneveness i would just like to know if i am doing things right i put my first coat on the leave for 10-15 mins then i trowel it then i mix up again and put the second coat on leave that for 10-15 mins then trowel it then whats best to do after that? is it use a water spray and trowel it leave it for another 10 mins and go over with a brush and trowel i am stuck
any help would be greatly appreciated and stop me from pulling my hair oot :'(
Doesn't sound like your too far off mate.
It's practice and an eye for detail.
Also don't be a slave to time. Work to the plaster. Get to know what it look/feels like at different stages.
I don't wait for the first coat to go off.
I whack it on. Flatten it. Clean off. Mix up and put second coat on.
Only use water to trowel up to lubricate the trowel. Dont flood it.
Fill any hollows with a bit of gear off the board not the fat.
Keep at it mate
bang dp its all in the eyes :o lol most of all take ya Time !!!!!!!!!! dont rush all will come ye who waits an all tht b######ks
thanks mate sound advise do you think its better to keep the muck in the bucket or get myself a spot board?

Whatever works for you mate.
I use board when theres space but sometimes there isn't and I work from bucket.
I always do ceilings from bucket on trestle cos I can't bend low enough to get to the board and I make a mess.
And fall over..... a lot!
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