getting frustrated

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New Member
Since my course finished prematurely I have been trying to get in with a spread for some experience and guidance but am having no luck at all- either no work available or they don't fancy showing me the ropes and then have me setting up in competition (can't blame them if i'm honest). I've bonded and reskimmed my hallway and not done too bad a job of it but i am not at the level where i would feel comfortable charging someone. I have thought about printing some flyers and offering my services free within reason (small patchwork or small walls) to gain some experience. I don't want to devalue the trade or do other spreads out of work so i would only take jobs that were too small or too much hassle for spreads to bother with, but i need to do something as i'm getting on my own nerves and don't want to start sounding desperate which i am. I know work is scarce but i really do want to learn this trade and not go back into a factory. Please be gentle with your responses as the negativity i'm encountering at the moment is doing my head in.
JJ its more to do with who you know and the state of the building industry at the moment than what you have to offer dont give up
thats life takes a few years to learn the ropes and then you start learning properly ........does that make sense ???......were all in the s**t mate i heard today our economy wont return to normal til 2027
jj , its a bad time to be getting into plastering at mo but stick with it if your heart lies in it, it has to come good sometime , so my advise is to offer your self as a labour willing to learn ( that way you`ll be learning the best way ) then when confident enough ,break out on your own.
Thanks lads just needed to blow off steam. Appreciate you all being so understanding will keep trying to get in with spread and get myself some boards to practice on, just wish the economy would pick up soon, you guys must be pulling your hair out with the state of things
spoke to alot of contractors and contract managers for housing firms over the last couple o months and they all seem optomistic bout this year , still jobs about ,still houses getting built just not enough, remember before the boom time of the last 6 or 7 years january until march was always slow, what we need is the useless tossers in government to make the banks give people mortgages wif the money we are bailing them out wif, people will buy houses if they can get them at the current prices wif the current interest rate. so maybe this year wont be as bad as peolpe keep telling us, lets feckin ope so eh!
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