Getting 1930’s house replastered


New Member
I’m getting my 1930s house replaseterd , I removed the wallpaper and the walls mostly feel solid , there is blown plaster in places and lots of hairline cracks throughout the property , also a lot of holes after dado rails were removed .
I’ve had two plasters round , one said apply mesh to the whole property and bonding in places . The other said patch up using blue grit and bonding in areas and then skim , any thoughts on how to go about it ? Cheers
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I’m getting my 1930s house replaseterd , I removed the wallpaper and the walls mostly feel solid , there is blown plaster in places and lots of hairline cracks throughout the property , also a lot of holes after dado rails were removed .
I’ve had two plasters round , one said apply mesh to the whole property and bonding in places . The other said patch up using blue grit and bonding in areas and then skim , any thoughts on how to go about it ? Cheers


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  • Getting 1930’s house replastered
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  • Getting 1930’s house replastered
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Whatever you do don't get a guy in from Glasgow area,casper his name is,wee baldy guy and drives a 2 stripe go go faster van
do ye research and choose ye spread carefully pal, lot of fkin yootubers, corsas, pretenders, chancers u name it out there including on here murdering peoples properties

the one that walks in and says:
skim will only ever be as good as background you're going onto, hack off all this old shiite and I'll re-board ye ceilings and do ye a nice new Renovating/Hardwall float n set on walls is one u want.

not many out there nowadays that will do that though or actually can't do it due to limited skill set...wanna be in and out as quick and as cheap as possible... fk what it's going to look like in 6 months+ time I've already been paid and gone.

If ye really can't go to that extent, the the one that walks in and says: I'll re-board ye ceilings, remove any blown areas and patch up, remove wooden beads on corners and patch up before fitting skim beads, bond-it, bostik primer or any other good quality grit on walls and full mesh (not just over cracks) embedded into first coat of skim is one u want.

remember always think long term, plastering should be a one time only job, pay cheap now and you could end up paying twice in future to rectify it.