general election july, 2024.

Mate Russia are top of the pile I think with weaponry
USA apparently don’t have hypersonic missiles afaik they’ve invested money in lazers
Russia have missiles that can reach the uk in just over two minutes tipped with convential or nuclear warheads
Nuclear tipped submarine torpedoes which n Korea also have
If you look at the speed of the missiles America aircraft carriers wouldn’t stand a chance they would all be gone as soon as they went to see unless the lasers really are that good
If we all went to war I doubt tanks infantry and planes would even come into it
Hypersonic missiles are almost impossible to shoot down and cost a million quid each lol
over a mile a second those hypersonic missiles spunky,
russia are ahead of usa, but china also there,
agree with you about infantry, another world war would not last 5 years, few days now,
1. tories have devastated the industry and workforce of this country, coal /steelworks/fishing industry/shipyards, and all the subcontracting companies that helped to keep them going all gone,
entire workforces ,skilled workers, apprentices, all gone,
and with that goes all the communities/villages/towns, changed for ever.

2. privatisation of energy companies/water/railways, a disaster, profits that should be going back as investments and modernising, now go in to the pockets of the rich.

3.n.h.s. the jewel and envy of the world, only a matter of time before sadly that gets privatised,

4.only one type of person the tories look after is themselves, certainly not the working class , they have looked down upon us all , and continue to look down upon us all, that will never change.

5. we are now a sevice industry reliant on tourism/banking, nothing substantial, almost everything is imported now,

6. boris johnson, the idiot,blustering buffoon, serial liar, totally out of his depth,
liz truss , hardline right of the party, people are struggling with there mortgages because of her policies,
david cameron, the idiot who gave us brexit,
and of course maggie thatcher, bless her, single handidly devastated entire communities/families/economy/ changed the landscape for ever.

labour have made mistakes smudger, mistakes with fckin bells on, especially tony blair, who should be in jail for life for the war in iraq,
but lets be honest you me and everybody else on this forum, in this country, we have all made mistakes, choices and decisions we have all made , which have affected our families/home/loved ones, and with the benefit of hindsight we would all do things differently,
but sadly unfourtanely we can not go back, its in the past,
but hopefully they have learned there lessons and the pain and grief of the voters they have let down in the past will be gone,
we need to and must get this lying, greedy,money obsessed scum out of office,
No its not it's great for this country. We have relied for to long on imported labour and goods to grow the economy in the short term this has been devastating for skills, manufacturing, industry, training everything. We need 'Made in Britain' on everything and for it to be high quality. We can't rely on services. It has never been better for the trades and will only get better if we do not import cheap labour. If Labour get in there is a high risk that they will open the gates again. We need to be bold and pump money into big infrastructure projects and be a leader in tech and AI.
what should have happened freed , many years ago successive goverments ,tories or labour, should have been bold as you say, and invested then in the manufacturing,indusrtry training everything, and that would have led to jobs/confidence in the economy/more investment ,and so on,
but sadly unfourtanetly this did not happen, and we are where we are today,
labour have made mistakes smudger, mistakes with fckin bells on, especially tony blair, who should be in jail for life for the war in iraq,
but lets be honest you me and everybody else on this forum, in this country, we have all made mistakes, choices and decisions we have all made , which have affected our families/home/loved ones, and with the benefit of hindsight we would all do things differently,
but sadly unfourtanely we can not go back, its in the past,
but hopefully they have learned there lessons and the pain and grief of the voters they have let down in the past will be gone,
we need to and must get this lying, greedy,money obsessed scum out of office,
Agreed but they will just take turns in f**k**g the people of this country over and over like they've always done !
The 80's was the last time working class felt happy with the status quo and economically better off ? But even that had underlaying steps forming the s**t show uk plc has become since then.
Labour and Tories = corrupt, power hungry, dictatorship, traitorous lying cnuts !
And short of revolution nothing will change but will get worst !

If politicians really gave a s**t about brits and uk they'd sign a contract accepting very severe consequences if they were found to break any rules or not delivering on manifesto promises that got them in charge. corruption and scandals won't be tolerated any more !
I haven’t voted in years it’s utterly pointless as it doesn’t matter what party takes charge of the country,it’s basically always going to be the best of a bad bunch there’s always a lesser of two evils
1. tories have devastated the industry and workforce of this country, coal /steelworks/fishing industry/shipyards, and all the subcontracting companies that helped to keep them going all gone,
entire workforces ,skilled workers, apprentices, all gone,
and with that goes all the communities/villages/towns, changed for ever.

2. privatisation of energy companies/water/railways, a disaster, profits that should be going back as investments and modernising, now go in to the pockets of the rich.

3.n.h.s. the jewel and envy of the world, only a matter of time before sadly that gets privatised,

4.only one type of person the tories look after is themselves, certainly not the working class , they have looked down upon us all , and continue to look down upon us all, that will never change.

5. we are now a sevice industry reliant on tourism/banking, nothing substantial, almost everything is imported now,

6. boris johnson, the idiot,blustering buffoon, serial liar, totally out of his depth,
liz truss , hardline right of the party, people are struggling with there mortgages because of her policies,
david cameron, the idiot who gave us brexit,
and of course maggie thatcher, bless her, single handidly devastated entire communities/families/economy/ changed the landscape for ever.
Apparently the conservatives have been privatising the nhs for over 40 years:rolleyes:and still hasn’t happened!! Take a Look at how much Blair privatised of the nhs!!! I think you’ll be shocked.

Losing our skilled workforce and apprenticeship were nothing to do with blair bringing in cheap labour That everyone start using??? And you seriously think Labour has your best interests at heart too? Hector you sound a lovely geezer but obviously very delusional
You should see the money that has been spent in infrastructure everywhere...huge projects...the country is booming with all the money that is being pumped into it by the EU.

And what has it felt like over we have been drained like a f**king bath tub...we gave everything but got nothing in return.

Our services crumbled not because of lack of investment but because of being massively over subscribed by economic migrants and their families and an aging population.
No doubt some shady deal to sweeten them for going to war with Russia.
on a personal level superspread, no my life has not been affected by brexit,
but i look at the bigger picture and more long term effects of brexit,
No one I know and I’m gonna take a punt here that no one you know or anyone on this forum has been directly affected by Brexit !!!!
It’s all boll ocks. There’s still red tape to iron out I’ll admit but if at the moment this is the worse it is,blimey imagine how much better it all will be in the coming years ???
Be interesting to see the turnout this time, be nice to see 90% plus but expect be lùcky to see 75% and maybe 50 % North of London
The "it doesn't make any difference " crowd that can't be arsed Will enjoy moaning for the next 5 years
No one I know and I’m gonna take a punt here that no one you know or anyone on this forum has been directly affected by Brexit !!!!
It’s all boll ocks. There’s still red tape to iron out I’ll admit but if at the moment this is the worse it is,blimey imagine how much better it all will be in the coming years ???
joking aside superspread, and despite our conflicting views, i sincerely and i mean sincerely hope you are right,
for our children and grandchildrens sake.
Tories and Labour 2 cheeks of the same ass hole !
Both f**k**g liars that make nothing better just manage decline and ruin of everything they touch !
Manifestos not worth the paper they're written on ! As soon as they get in they blame the last lot for not being able to complete the promises they made getting voted in for !
More stealth taxes and high bills are all you can count on them for and much worse !
None of them worth voting for as they're all in a club that decides regardless who we choose!
Liberals are a dead joke !
Reform have good ideas but I don't trust yet another posh boy millionaire career politician like Tice ! Even if Farage takes the helm there he's an ego tripper!

So it looks like we're still f**k*d which ever way it goes , immigration continuing to grow out of control ! Crime off the charts ! Corruption accelerating ! Pumping billions ££££ abroad when needed here ! NHS, education, economy, jobs etc etc no improvements that the working class really notice or feel the benefit of long term?
I thought this was a plastering forum not fb lffs !ha
I'm awake and listening, what do you suggest?

Elections are a way to have them peasants consent to @ —-violent rule by a pre-defined selection of psychopaths and at the same time make the peasants complicit to all the evil deeds by complying and financing the whole sharade

Wakey wakey—___

@ govern-ments are planted by the PTB — ———-

REMEMBER——if voting mattered, they'd ban it -

Anyway - Britain will be conquered and defeated by the Muslims anyway——
Mohammed is the most popular male newbornname…(see immigration thread)

Wakey wakey
Elections are a way to have them peasants consent to @ —-violent rule by a pre-defined selection of psychopaths and at the same time make the peasants complicit to all the evil deeds by complying and financing the whole sharade

Wakey wakey—___

@ govern-ments are planted by the PTB — ———-

REMEMBER——if voting mattered, they'd ban it -View attachment 78805

Anyway - Britain will be conquered and defeated by the Muslims anyway——
Mohammed is the most popular male newbornname…(see immigration thread)

Wakey wakey
So what is the best thing to do about it, somebody has to be in charge who do you suggest, mafia, drug barons, teletubbies who do you think?
So what is the best thing to do about it, somebody has to be in charge who do you suggest, mafia, drug barons, teletubbies who do you think?

No one needs to be in charge -.That is control -

"the public gets what the public wants"
“the public wants what the public gets"
No one needs to be in charge -.That is control -

"the public gets what the public wants"
“the public wants what the public gets"
Someone will always be in charge whether its the richest or the one with most guns.
It would be like the wild west with no control.
When you do a job and demand payment your in control so your a hypocrite!

Think its about time you woke up!
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Someone will always be in charge whether its the richest or the one with most guns.
It would be like the wild west with no control.

Think it’s about time you woke up!
@govern-ment system is good old evil fuckery from phycopaths
Just One perfect example is the ongoing & ongoing attack on people who want to grow their own food to avoid eating @hormone bomb, and articles claiming that homegrown food is bad for the environment and causes "climate change"......
"the public gets what the public wants"
“the public wants what the public gets"

Wakey wakey.————————————-

Well tptb have chosen a Labour gov ——

Yes under 18s do not vote @ parents will not want their fuxin kids. from getting off the sofa & x box ————

Wakey wakey
@govern-ment system is good old evil fuckery from phycopaths
Just One perfect example is the ongoing & ongoing attack on people who want to grow their own food to avoid eating @hormone bomb, and articles claiming that homegrown food is bad for the environment and causes "climate change"......

Wakey wakey.————————————-
Strange, I grow my own stuff and not been arrested or shot yet by the government, but equipment has been stolen by your beloved public.
Strange, I grow my own stuff and not been arrested or shot yet by the government, but equipment has been stolen by your beloved public.
They are not after your shitty rotten tomatoes Rodney .,
their is a constant attack on humans—————

Wakey wakey
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They are not after your shitty rotten tomatoes Rodney .,
their is a constant attack on humans—————

Wakey wakey
"Just One perfect example is the ongoing & ongoing attack on people who want to grow their own food to avoid eating @hormone bomb, and articles claiming that homegrown food is bad for the environment and causes "climate change"......"

Make your mind up!
@hector you are typical of an old skool blinkered northerner.
Keir is no more interested in your wellbeing than Rishi, which is absolutely no interest at all.
Party politics is absolute b*ll***s and as others have said, they're working for and on behalf of others who don't recognise national boundaries, the globalist elite.
What can we do about it? In my opinion the only thing that might cure the situation would be a mass uprising. One where ALL of the political class/club are taken out of the equation.
It won't happen though.
In my opinion the only thing that might cure the situation would be a mass uprising. One where ALL of the political class/club are taken out of the equation.
While I agree they're all useless. I still want to know who, after this uprising is going to take their place to make the decisions and keep the country running.
Hospitals for example won't run by themselves, who decides their outcome.
@hector you are typical of an old skool blinkered northerner.
Keir is no more interested in your wellbeing than Rishi, which is absolutely no interest at all.
Party politics is absolute b*ll***s and as others have said, they're working for and on behalf of others who don't recognise national boundaries, the globalist elite.
What can we do about it? In my opinion the only thing that might cure the situation would be a mass uprising. One where ALL of the political class/club are taken out of the equation.
It won't happen though.
hard to disagree with what you are saying andy,
so after all that you have said,
you will be voting in the general election,
am i missing something here,
"Just One perfect example is the ongoing & ongoing attack on people who want to grow their own food to avoid eating @hormone bomb, and articles claiming that homegrown food is bad for the environment and causes "climate change"......"

Make your mind up!
The attack is on farmers /home grown .
With climate bs …….


Wakey wakey