Garden Wall - advice please

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Alright lads,

Went to see a chap today who has built a small, circular border wall around some raised flower beds.

Its only 3 courses of brick above ground level and the length of a brick wide. He wants it rendered, simple enough, but rather than a nice crisp beaded edge he wants it bevelled but with a flat top - Am I making sense ?

This sort of effect (cross profile) ___________________
( )

Is it a case of freehand or is there a way to make a former or something so that I get an even bevel the length of the wall ?

Cheers Phil
i did one a couple years back and just freehanded it came out ok just gently sponged over the arriss part so it wasnt too sharp
richardbrown said:
sounds awkward and people never want to pay for awkward

tell him to off is my advice
thats sound advice but dont be that polite
Make a profile out of some wood, then put some wood or a straight edge or what ever on the floor and drag it along that.

It only has to be one side of the wall, then go along the other.

So far though, I agree with Richard :)
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