No I disagree the G5 is hard work to move around a muddy site like all the electric pumps(although it does have two big wheels) the dft is portable although it is not capable day in day out. Out the box the dft seems the perfect machine but when you cant turn the material feed off atfer each spray and have to let it run dry( as in no material left in hopper overnight for next spray) you become aware of the price of its' portabitlity.
goody if you cant turn material feed off how do you start machine in morning do you have to turn water up really high then bring it down this sounds like a majer minus .how do you make sure you only have water in chamber on start up and how do you clean chamber . the only way i can see is if hopper is empty is that right goody .fcuking nightmare that mate
all machines have there good points and there bad points i wish we could all club together and build the perfect machine , them DFT's are nice little machines and great for moving around site, what puts me off is the reason you said and the fact that it has a small hopper , with the G4 although she's a big ole girl the hopper is big so if need be i can spray on my own which i have done on a few occasions , there aint many machines i would do that with , the last spray i did on my own was about 60m2
the paint on the dft is sprayed on not powder coated so it all comes off and rusts. the G5 is easy because you can take caddy off and move it all about. everyone i know has had real problems with dft and dft's customer service is crap from what i have been told
Well there is a flap on there that is supposed to shut like closing a chimney hatch but when it's full of material it wont budge of course and if you got someone on there wiggling the lever all day to make the material fall down and not hollow underneath it eventually snaps. The concept is good but needs a bit more development imho.
Man, spraying monocouche on your own, that's not for the faint-hearted. Good earner though ey! Did you manage to get a lifts worth out of the hopper or was it spray,rule,spat,down to chuck more bags in, spray,rule,sweat,etc?
pretty much as you described mate it was 4 lifts of scaffold ano windows , had the machine set up next to the scaffold so i could see the hopper and i was right next to the ladder access , not something i'd want to make a habit of though i got to say , took me 2 hours to spray it all on
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