Friday 13th

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Well-Known Member
::)Would you belive it , went to skim 2 kitchen walls today, top half painted and bottom half plaster where tiles had been removed , sealed the bottom half with stalibex , pva the top half then pva the bottom both walls went tacky lovely put the first coat on........ a few bubbles on the top half.... bit later on ..... fooking wallpaper coming off in rolls ;D just didn't see it . Had to take it all off a bag and a half's worth ,then had to go and get some more plaster and start again, got to love the job sometimes ,got a £10 drink tho ;) and she wants the outside done in he summer.
quick way of stripping wallpaper ay?
should have let it firm up a bit more mate you could have rolled the whole wall up in one! just gotta laff sometimes mate.. btw have you got the number of the guy who put the paper on in the first place? ;D
Oh yes , looking back it all went well really ;D i will be buying a pint of the black stuff at twickenham Sunday and i will tip my hat to you all cheers .
yooo cahnt ;D went to 3 sites in liverpool today all shut down UFN half way through the build had all the luck today haha
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