Free NVQ 2

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New Member
Has any one heard of this?

Apparently the govenment is paying for people to do there NVQ 2 and CSCS card as long as your over 19 working and don't already have a stack of qualifactions you are suitable a company rang me today to see if l was interested my assessor is coming to see me on wedensday

Its so there are plently of trades men qualified by 2010
Do you know any thing about the requirements, l think i'l be ok on must things but l don't really do alot of rendering which could let me down :-[
i'm not 100% sure myself! they need photos with you in them doing all the different things we do. dot and dab, fixing boards with screws, skimming , fixing beads, and floating. the fella i spoke to said it doesn't matter if you use hardwall or sand and cement.
danny's been doing his recently, he'll have more info than me but we'll both find out for sure next week. good luck btw
Never used hardwall normaly used browning for any backing off and patch work

Sounds like a normal weeks work at the minute

Should be easy ;D
Has any one heard of this?

Apparently the govenment is paying for people to do there NVQ 2 and CSCS card as long as your over 19 working and don't already have a stack of qualifactions you are suitable a company rang me today to see if l was interested my assessor is coming to see me on wedensday

Its so there are plently of trades men qualified by 2010
who were they mate i cant find fook all on google and i know a few lads who would need one
im over 19+ and i dont have to pay for my tuition/course fees as i dont have any NVQ or higher education qualification, otherwise its £850 this year i think! think they mean the goverment will pay for their education, you just basically train then up etc for free

seems stupid really as only 3 people out of last years under 19 group completed the work and got through to the second year, how on earth you can fail a foundation course ill never know, guess theres jsut no hope, but why should 19+  people have to pay a shedload for governement education when school leavers who have absoloutly no idea about what they want to be when they grow up have it  handed on a plate for free, and they only do it because they have no idea what else they want to do in live, needs to be more guidance at school for after school life or something, i dont know, ah well!  :-X
The company that contacted me is called Beyond Construction l don't know if they are just doing my local area or what

I should find out more on wednesday and let yo know.
im a tiler with no qualifications but my boss is pushing a lot of the tilers through the health and safety test in order to get us nvqs so i guess he must be getting some money from someone to do it
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