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how many of you did that wiganlad? i like it when you get a good run at d&d. fly through it!
steve cov said:
how many of you did that wiganlad? i like it when you get a good run at d&d. fly through it!
me and lab mate ad to be sum where today only gettin £1.50 though. it wus that or do nothin till they got a skim ready for us. and i sat at home tuesday doin fck all. dabin is a pice of piss init
yeah, even better with a 2:1. lab mixing up all day. 1 cutting and carrying, 1 fitting and levelling. if your on a price and the walls are out do you level them or just go with whats there?
steve cov said:
yeah, even better with a 2:1. lab mixing up all day. 1 cutting and carrying, 1 fitting and levelling. if your on a price and the walls are out do you level them or just go with whats there?
i level the walls and keep intwist. but if walls are fcked i level internals straight ceiling line and skirt and the middle just as close as poss.
so if they are out of plumb, on a price you still level them? alot of people i know dont give a f**k if its on a price. just get it straight and flat
steve cov said:
so if they are out of plumb, on a price you still level them? alot of people i know dont give a (french word) if its on a price. just get it straight and flat
which is ok but it plays on my mind. if i know ive droped a bollock on a job it does mi nut in and cnt rest. but i do agree. if they cant build em plumb y shud we pull them out. considering prices inlude an even coat and dubbing out is at an inflated rate.
unique tax reference lucius. im the same bruce. i had a big arguement with my mate about it. but on the job in question. the walls were perfectly flat. he just didnt want me to bang f**k out of his level. firstly he said it took too long. then he said well use the straight edge. check it with a level, then readjust it. surely that takes longer?! so i just went and bought one of those alluminium straight edges with a level in. theyre designed for dabbing i think
did a job for a builder and he thought I was a bit slower than normal, when it came to fit the kitchen he didnt have to scibe the worktops at all. Two full lengths just went striaight in no worries. Said I dont hear you complaining now!
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