Forgot the cement :(

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Private Member
Hi all

Was doing a sand and cement float coat today on a bathroom and have an awful feeling that i forgot to put cement in the final mix.

Is there anyway of telling tmw when i go back to skim? colour? texture? etc

If so whats the best course of action just to take the patch off and rerender?

The patch is middle going to be skimmed then ceramic tiles 150 x 150

Is there anyway at mixing stage also to tell if cement has not been added?

Think i'm going to have to right cement on the back of my trowel to remember!

such a tiring day i'll be gutted if i did forget :'(
i take it you were using lime as well or are you saying you may have forgetten to put cement in and ended up with neat sand an water..and couldnt tell???
well if youre serious..and there was no cement left in the bottom of the mixer from the last'll erm... be on the floor tomorrow..
just scrape it up, throw it back in the mixer and add some cement..
p.s. you dont need to skim it if youre gonna tile fact as long as you got a reasonably flat finish on it its prolly best not to...
youll only have to pva the skim before you tile it..
what ratios were u using? cos if youve done it right..believe me you'd know, while it was sloshing arond in the bottom of the mixer looking like wet shite...
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