floor sreed

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New Member
Hi Guys
i have been asked to screed a spray shop floor that has blown after a number of years. The floor itself does get wet alot. Do you think it would be ok to cut back old floor and lay a new screed, even though there is alot of water used in the area, or would it be better to just lay a concrete base floor? Is there something that would help protect the screed from the water?
Their are special floor screeds made for these aplications, have a look at the Webber site ime sure they do some.
i put a floor in a dairy chill room, spec was granolithic finish, the flloor is hosed down every day, that was 30 years ago, still in good condition, no need to seal grano!

you have to concider the potential use of the floor and the required finish, this alone dictates your material and method

Gano, you cant beat it ;)
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