Floor screed prices

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Screeded a house today for the chap i sub a lot of work off, don't do screed for him usually he gets a load of lunys to do it, however they fell out with the developer last time so i got the job. 100m2 @ 70-90mm in a 4 bed nice sized rooms house, sorted it by 2 0' clock, how much do i get paid? Educated guesses please.
screeders i use are £5m2 with pump but heard as less as £3m2, 100m2 by 2 is a fair days work tho mate!
I ache a fair bit and i'm still carrying winter coat, unfit as you could be, disgraceful. Did a lot of screed at one time and you get very good at it very quickly but early morning and hard work, nice finishing time though. Why would a man want a cuddle off a bloke called Spunky?
ive got a chrimbo blister too ...........fair play cant see why youre moaning though if you pay youre labs 80 a day youve made a few quid
I think thats a fair price , i price my floors @£8.50 labour only but i dont want 100m2 + anymore 50 -75 does me .
I've been paying my screeders £4-£4.50 for the last five years, never anymore never anyless and they all like to do 100m2 a day if I've got it for them. I wish I'd gone full time screeding twenty years ago, the most I've ever done in a day is 86m2 without a labourer, nice money ;D
is great money but its not good for your body , done a couple of flo screeds its the way foward its so easy ;D
merlin said:
is great money but its not good for your body , done a couple of flo screeds its the way foward its so easy ;D
this flo screed... how does it work, can you just buy the bags and bung it through your projection machine? or even knock it up like levelling compound in a bucket for little tiddy areas?
can you just get a delivery from any old supplier like footing concrete or readymix screed or do you have to phone 'floscreed ltd' and go through them?
there are a few companies selliing it lafarge gyclon,cemex, tarmac , maxit they will deliver ready mixed i know maxit do a bagged version, you can use through machine although i think you would need (dont quote me) a rotor and stator with a bigger output,35mm pipes, bigger flow meter, remote cable and a bloody good water pressure lol, theres alot of prepping too you gotta make sure you ve no holes as it wont stay where you want it, also this is expension as a material you gotta double check spec as you only lay it 30 to 40 mm you dont wanna be laying it any thicker, last one we layed was 180m2 it was down and finished in 2 hours, ;D
bloke im doin a bit for does the flow screed does a house in an hour after gettin set up whats the rates for it? think hes got a putzmeister or some foreign machine £20000 but its the way forward the floors are perfect.
I would charge minimum £15.00 per m2 labour only... and your a fool if you laid the screed anytime over the last 6-7 weeks... but if you have the money and have'nt given a gaurantee (as it WILL pop) and the Bullshitter oops sorry (Builder) screwed you then walk away... (You havent gauranteed it) have you?... hope you have insurance... or the Bul***ter has... as problemos manjana amigo... :o
If i googled the phrase "Off his head", do you think it might come up with one or more of render systems web sites? Sorry but get a grip.
Render Systems said:
I would charge minimum £15.00 per m2 labour only... and your a fool if you laid the screed anytime over the last 6-7 weeks... but if you have the money and have'nt given a gaurantee (as it WILL pop) and the Bull(german word)ter oops sorry (Builder) screwed you then walk away... (You havent gauranteed it) have you?... hope you have insurance... or the Bul***ter has... as problemos manjana amigo... :o what ???
Render Systems said:
I would charge minimum £15.00 per m2 labour only... and your a fool if you laid the screed anytime over the last 6-7 weeks... but if you have the money and have'nt given a gaurantee (as it WILL pop) and the Bull(german word)ter oops sorry (Builder) screwed you then walk away... (You havent gauranteed it) have you?... hope you have insurance... or the Bul***ter has... as problemos manjana amigo... :o

Yep that school sounds more and more inviting, this kind of knowledge you cant buy anywhere ???
Render Systems said:
I would charge minimum £15.00 per m2 labour only... and your a fool if you laid the screed anytime over the last 6-7 weeks... but if you have the money and have'nt given a gaurantee (as it WILL pop) and the Bull(german word)ter oops sorry (Builder) screwed you then walk away... (You havent gauranteed it) have you?... hope you have insurance... or the Bul***ter has... as problemos manjana amigo... :o

I take it you never do any screeds then at £15m2 labour only. 1500 for a 100m2 i dont think so, your full of s**t mate
flynnyman said:
bloke im doin a bit for does the flow screed does a house in an hour after gettin set up whats the rates for it? think hes got a putzmeister or some foreign machine £20000 but its the way forward the floors are perfect.
dont know what goin rates are , not much labour only, we only priced per day the ones we done, we seen 3 lads do a doctors surgery we plastered they done 600m2 in a day so i guess labour price will be minimal, takes longer to prep than lay , a tad easier on the back and knees tho ;D
to lay sand cement screed labour rate would at moment anything from £2.50 up to£4.00 m2 all depending whot size area and whot thickness

flowing screeds rate would be £2.00 up to £3.00 but need big areas really .
pumps are tempermental yes they got worm and stator in pump very expensive to get worn down very quickley about £300 to £500.00 each time.

p.s render systems whot are you on £15.00m2
to be fair i just got a 70m2 of floor at £10p/m labour only

i no people who charge between £8-£12 and keep busy

im not saying its the right price but if u can get it....
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