floating stone wall

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Right u fackin know alls. How would u go about floating a stone wall with loose stone and some voids are 4 inch deep! I was told to do it in sand and cement and do it in one! Know i know I'm not the most experienced plasterer in the world but wouldn't it be better to fill voids with stone point around and loose stone and float up next day? Maybe use a lime based render as well?

The reason i ask is this s**t job i'm doing at the moment workin an council houses! I tried doing itb in one and when i used my feather edge it sagged like a dinner ladies tit!

it's really making my angry doing these botch jobs!
i would render it with sbr in the mix prob and build it up in coats but 4inch is a lot to make up maybe one of the other spreads know a bit more
it needs bringing out with sharp sand, you'll never do it in one ... tell those wankers in the office to shut the f**k up
if you have to do it in one , mix some multi powder in with the render to fill in the deep holes and dub out the worst in will set in 15 mins then float it ,keep the render well mixed.
richardbrown said:
it needs bringing out with sharp sand, you'll never do it in one ... tell those (german person)s in the office to shut the (french word) up

Well said Richard.
Cant be done in one coat,as theres no suction in stone.if it was me I'd fill the voids and put a slurry coat on using sharp sand ,to give the next coat a key and work from there. is it inside or outside
You could use quikcem, had to tank some old limestone walls last week and we had to be in an out in the day , so dubbed out twice and floated and then skimmed each coat was set in 30-40mins , looked good when finished and no probs up to press ;) ;)
i'd mesh it and use plenty of lime in the mix ..if its been skimmed pva it before if its been on there a while
it's inside, I knew what to do but like i say they won't give u the time or materials to do the job properly and it's doing my nut!!!

I'm gonna fack it off as soon as i get a chance. Facking embarrasing!!!
As Warrior said quickcem is the way to go I do loads of this sort of thing it works a treat.

I goes quick if you use it neat, so if you need more time on it mix it back with opc to slow it setting.
i'd ask them for a spec ....you wont finish it same day mate.........unless you use bonding or hardwall
i did one recently roofer, fiiled hollows one day with sharp sand and cement, floated the next. tell whoever told you to do it in one to try it.
it'd take half a day to set up the mixer/dust sheets and drink lots of cheap tesco value tea ???
agree with warrior and carlos i do this a lot as well. if you cant get castle quickcem any fast set cement should work.

For the deeper hollows use the front end toe of your trowel and launch muck i.e. throw it at force into the holes like youz were dashing.

On occasion ive even blinded the wet muck with more fast set dust as already stated although if you knock it up neat you'll have to be nimble to get it up the wall quick enough....
I find the blue circle rapid cement a bit quicker than the castle one.

So if you cant dab the walls can you gypline and board it.

Otherwise back to my first post and just keep building it out in really well scratched coats.
Good tip about neat rapid set! I'm gonna have a word with gaffer tomorrow about doing jobs right, came close to F*****g it off today...if it wasn't xmas i'd be gone!
Been doing it for years mate any of the DPC plasterers on here will tell you the same I gotta mate who uses it everyday,
on stone, tanking, brick what ever so he can get skimming that bit earlyer.
You were right in the first place Roof and all the suggestions will work but as ive said before if the stone is bedded in lime morter the render should be pure lime morter but no one wants to pay for it.
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