simplybesty said:we dab if we can but if we have to render them we mesh over the reveal with the same mesh we use o outsides .
simplybesty said:dabbing works a treat, all you have to do is bring your render out to the boards and then thincoat bead. most people will dab the heads anyway so why not the whole window/door.
essexandy said:I may have to give it a go, I'm always open to try different ways the only concern I have is that most of the UPVC frames I work up against are really narrow compared with the old wooden ones and by dabbing out the reveals there would be very little frame left showing, but then again if the whole house was D&D then that's how they would be anyway so perhaps I'm worrying about nothing, I just like things to look good.
When you D&D the reveals do you always use the paper bound edge to rule off to?