flash set

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never had it before but had 2 bags today flash set on me had a mare with one of em as it was in a small hallway with no room to manoevre and i had it all on not usually a prob but boy oboy this had me sweating .by the way it was multi
knocked up half a bucket to lay in 2 ceilings yesterday, 1st trowelld, 2nd trowelled
then dry trowelled the ceilings which had started to turn black. The gear left on the
spot board was still as soft as when i mixed it ! ???
I had one go like a bullet last week, all started well then all of a sudden, bang! brick in the bottom of my bucket. I was almost crying :'(, I was on my stilts sweating my tits off. ::)
I was doing a ceiling at the mega money kitchen showroom two week ago. 1st bucket did 1st coat and half the second coat. So mixed a bit more to finish it off.

By time I'd finished the second coat the first mix was setting like f*ck so like a proper profesional I went outside for a fag :)

Sorted it out mind, but what a nause trowelling one half hard as f*ck and the other just normal

Anyway finished for dinner and billed them for a full day.

They got a half price sale on at the moment - 8 units a sink and work tops £13 grand :)

Thats half price ;D ;D ;D
Multi does seem very unreliable nowadays, not my way normaly but i do have a sponge float in my kit now to get me out of trouble if needed.
lucius said:
Multi does seem very unreliable nowadays, not my way normaly but i do have a sponge float in my kit now to get me out of trouble if needed.
I used multi today and I wont be usin it again if I can help it, horrible stuff, spread like chewing gum . Board all the way .
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