flaky painted

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New Member
Hi i have recently stripped a terraced house in prep for plaster, however i have found that some parts of the walls painted under the paper and its coming off all bitty. i was thinking of scraping as much of the loose off then applying a bonding agent like that stuff from wickes the night before,what do you pros think? also should i make sure that all wallpaper paste residue is washed off before i bond or pva it ? thanks :-\
yeah.... give the wall a soak and scrape the paste residue off, the flaking paint will come off at the same time.
then your ready to pva or wba
::) i got the same prob at the mo don't worry get a stiff scraper or wire brush and give it a good going over use sugar soap with hot water when its dry 3partswater/1part P.V.A uni bond two good coats then away you go mate got 24m2 up on the wall and set started at 09.30 home at lunch feet up on the laptop ;D
walltowall said:
::) i got the same prob at the mo don't worry get a stiff scraper or wire brush and give it a good going over use sugar soap with hot water when its dry 3partswater/1part P.V.A uni bond two good coats then away you go mate got 24m2 up on the wall and set started at 09.30 home at lunch feet up on the laptop ;D
I can smell something here ;D ;D
J.D.P. said:
Hi i have recently stripped a terraced house in prep for plaster, however i have found that some parts of the walls painted under the paper and its coming off all bitty. i was thinking of scraping as much of the loose off then applying a bonding agent like that stuff from wickes the night before,what do you pros think? also should i make sure that all wallpaper paste residue is washed off before i bond or pva it ? thanks :-\
most important thing mate, make sure the paste is off, worth spending the time doing this, if your hand slides across the wall, wash it again, ........ive been down that road !! :D
what will the paste do to the plaster, its a job and a half getting the past off the wall its like it never ends every scrape there is more paste than be for. been there
thanks for the advice will keep prepping ,will bits of paint that dont come off be ok to pva /wba over. just want good adhesion and no lifting
How you are talking it sounds like tyhere are severl or all walls in this terace house with this problem.
it wouldnt be cost afective to use wba on all the walls mate.
Just blast over with a sander with 60 grit paper if it loose paint then pva to seal the surface when dry pva again till tacky and scim at will scim at will scim at will.
theres a bit on the stairs and in the living room will sand it down .. been washing the paste off the walls today and fitting the rest of the angle beads .where can i get some sugar soap?
Just seal it with pva,then pva again before skimming no need to wash walls with sugar soap,waste of time!!!SEAL IT SKIM IT.
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