Fixing Faults in Microcement at Final Finish


New Member
Hi, I’m new to Microcementing and recently went on a course with Impera Italia to learn. I’ve been using their San Marco products and have recently completed a floor for a customer. I have put 2 base coats and 2 coats of the decorative finish and now sealed it with a satin top. I have noticed quite a few curved trowel marks and one area where there is quite heavy curves in the centre of the room. To rectify this issue could I sand the areas and go over them again with a third layer of Microcement (I.e. patch them in with better trowel movement) then seal? Would this be the best solution to get a better finish. 90% of the floor I am happy with, just these areas let it down.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


60 grit to give a key then pro link prior to top coat.Dont use atomo primer as it won't adhere.Then once topped use link sealer/final sealants.
So sand it, trowel a top coat of deco to get rid of the imperfection then pro link and satin top and I’m good to go? Impera Italia told me today that there was nothing I could do now I’ve already applied link and top to it all.
I rectified someone else's work and did this way and all was fine.Images are on other thread(microcement floors)
Fixing Faults in Microcement at Final FinishThis was applied with exeter
Client had crittel doors and due to them being close to rubbing floor there wasn't enough room to start again.It was only 11m2 but its fine and I did the 80m2 in property all good.
Great, I’ll do it this way then. I thought there must be a way of rectifying mistakes. Thanks for your advice and getting back to me mate, much appreciated.