fixing cracks in sand and cement render???????

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Hi i have to touch up some old render for someone who is selling a house.
whats the best way to
patch in redner?
repair cracks?
and is the an outside filler that can be used?
cheers ??? ??? ???
its a t wat to fill them in so they dont show and if you do get them ok they will just crack again if they are serious about selling tell them to spend a few quid and put a thin coat acrylic render over the whole lot as first impressions are lasting ones CRACKS = PROBLEMS
yeh I suggested that but they just want me to touch it up and then there paint it.
what process do you do if your repair cracks? is there a filler or do u use a sand and cement mix
just use tetrion if small cracks mate.. sets quick and you can paint same day sand and cement will take a few days to dry out
if it smooth render edge the cracks out with a grinder a bit and fill with polyfilla the out side one tho it cement based ive filled slightly proud and just sanded off with my cordless sander . sands down real good :)
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