First timer

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always wanted to turn my hand to run a bit of cornice in situ so as we're getting room ready for new baby coming in new year Ive taken the opportunity to have a go.bear in mind I've no experience whatsoever or haven't even seen it done. I've drawn out my own profile cut it from aluminium, and horsed it up as they say. Probably a poor attempt to some standards but I think it will do lol. My house was built in 50 s so walls were all over the shop so took a kango to the tops to straighten line out then bonded out straight. Put laths up today so nearly ready to run. I've ordered a joint rule to mitre corners so as soon as it comes I'm good to go. As this is my own house an could go either way was gonna run in skim maybe carlite as its finer but should I core out in bonding or just fill out all in skim. I'm doing this in spare time so I thought just skim would be easier.
Be a nice project for you,I'm not sure what others would do but I'd core out with bonding,perhaps add a muffle to your running mould.i think @flynnyman has run Insitu with multi.good luck and get some pics up when done:)
The background is mixed with paint and bonding coat. Will this be ok. I will key up painted area with Stanley knife and pva. Also when you say lime will this be a lime putty mixed with casting,would hydrated lime be ok?
Be a nice project for you,I'm not sure what others would do but I'd core out with bonding,perhaps add a muffle to your running mould.i think @flynnyman has run Insitu with multi.good luck and get some pics up when done:)
Thanks mate it is a nice we project which I am enjoying, would like to try in casting and lime although bonding and skim would be easier for me. I'll get a pic up anyway when I'm done or if I f**k it up I'll just pretend it never happened lol.
The background is mixed with paint and bonding coat. Will this be ok. I will key up painted area with Stanley knife and pva. Also when you say lime will this be a lime putty mixed with casting,would hydrated lime be ok?
Yea I've only ever used hydrated lime
I used drywall adhesive on the last job on a bench and it gave me more time but too much but I didn't have the right gear and it was a rush job. I would deffo use it running in situ rather than the finish.
I used drywall adhesive on the last job on a bench and it gave me more time but too much but I didn't have the right gear and it was a rush job. I would deffo use it running in situ rather than the finish.
Would you use drywall add(or if using multi....)for jointing corners or would you use casting?
I used drywall adhesive on the last job on a bench and it gave me more time but too much but I didn't have the right gear and it was a rush job. I would deffo use it running in situ rather than the finish.
Yea but it will keep slumping, u need it to pick up slowly so u can gradually build it out , there's a couple of ingredients u can add but not sure to give ALL my secrets away on a forum:rayos:
Would you use drywall add(or if using multi....)for jointing corners or would you use casting?
Casting , or your be there all day on 1 mitre. And when u run in situ Uve got a bigger mitre to stop in because of the slipper , u can horse up so u can run right in tight to corners but that's to complicated to explain :LOL:
Casting , or your be there all day on 1 mitre. And when u run in situ Uve got a bigger mitre to stop in because of the slipper , u can horse up so u can run right in tight to corners but that's to complicated to explain :LOL:
Rebated rule for external I know but internal I'm not sure.
Externals you run the running rules past the mitre , notch out if your returning , internals but more complicated but it's the shape of your slipper and the way u sit the stock
I do find fibrous interesting,would be nice to do more but only get the odd small job a year.
Ok so I've cored it out in bonding and left around 10 mm. Ran three walls tonight and I'm not satisfied in the way it's turned out. Could any of u good folk point me in the right direction. What I did was mix a batch layed on ran filled done this a few times. The members that were appearing were nice and sharp. Mixed another small batch to finish off although when I was running this batch I found the members were dragging off ever so slightly, i made sure the stock and running rules were kept as clean as possible and tried applying water to first batch also. What I'm thinking at the minute is muffle out a bit more and try and get it in one hit. What u guys think ?
Ok so I've cored it out in bonding and left around 10 mm. Ran three walls tonight and I'm not satisfied in the way it's turned out. Could any of u good folk point me in the right direction. What I did was mix a batch layed on ran filled done this a few times. The members that were appearing were nice and sharp. Mixed another small batch to finish off although when I was running this batch I found the members were dragging off ever so slightly, i made sure the stock and running rules were kept as clean as possible and tried applying water to first batch also. What I'm thinking at the minute is muffle out a bit more and try and get it in one hit. What u guys think ?
I wouldn't worry too much about the finish to the core, once you have a fairly even amount left for the finishing coat, (less swelling) what are you finishing with ?, we would use casting plaster/lime with some retarder.
I wouldn't worry too much about the finish to the core, once you have a fairly even amount left for the finishing coat, (less swelling) what are you finishing with ?, we would use casting plaster/lime with some retarder.

hi frank what type of retarder do you use with casting plaster/ lime ?-----i found the plaster prone to marbles forming, dragging, and seemed more brittle when a retarder was added, i always preferred running insitu without retarder
I wouldn't worry too much about the finish to the core, once you have a fairly even amount left for the finishing coat, (less swelling) what are you finishing with ?, we would use casting plaster/lime with some retarder.
Hi frank thanks for your reply, sorry I maybe didn't explain well,what I meant was I ran the finish coat with multi. I searched hi and low to get casting plaster but couldn't get any unless I ordered from over the water. It was the finish coat members that were dragging I just couldn't get them as sharp as I would have liked.


  • First timer
    243.9 KB · Views: 555
Hi frank thanks for your reply, sorry I maybe didn't explain well,what I meant was I ran the finish coat with multi. I searched hi and low to get casting plaster but couldn't get any unless I ordered from over the water. It was the finish coat members that were dragging I just couldn't get them as sharp as I would have liked.
That's the downside of using multi over casting plaster,
Hi frank thanks for your reply, sorry I maybe didn't explain well,what I meant was I ran the finish coat with multi. I searched hi and low to get casting plaster but couldn't get any unless I ordered from over the water. It was the finish coat members that were dragging I just couldn't get them as sharp as I would have liked.
Next time try one of your local fibrous firms, they might sell you a bag or two, we often had spreads coming in to us for small jobs they're doing,
have you or anyone ran it in finish and had the members drag on them, everytime I tried to fill out any small slacks and ran over again it dragged straight off again. What I ended up doing was tosselling in with a fine brush in end after a lot of frustration. I'm just wondering is this the norm or maybe my technique is wrong. Will def do in casting next time (if there is a next time).


  • First timer
    334.9 KB · Views: 501
have you or anyone ran it in finish and had the members drag on them, everytime I tried to fill out any small slacks and ran over again it dragged straight off again. What I ended up doing was tosselling in with a fine brush in end after a lot of frustration. I'm just wondering is this the norm or maybe my technique is wrong. Will def do in casting next time (if there is a next time).
Looks alright in the pics , could of tried throwing a pissy one over the cornice that would of helped
for what its worth didnt you just buy it pre made?

where you based?
it would saved me a lot of headache but I wanted to have a crack at running a cornice. I admire u guys that do alot of decorative stuff. As said in my first post I've never done any of it. Based in N.ireland mate, living the dream lol
Like a few of the others on here it's something I've never had a chance to do. Watched it being done on a few sites though. Looks alright to me fella. Nothing a lick of paint won't sort!
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