first machine

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I know lads with machines but i think i would like one. me an another lad are thinking of going halves on a second hander. but what would be the best for machine us? for rendering
go to les lord mate, machine plastering is fraught with unexpected problems which lead to days on end of nothing on the wall. buy a second hand machine/genny package and get the training along with it. believe me you need all the help you can get in this game.
G4 and a g5 ok but you want a machine that will spray just about anything m300 is the one and with the mtec the spraying distance is a lot further ant so much cleaner
Swp said:
G4 and a g5 ok but you want a machine that will spray just about anything m300 is the one and with the mtec the spraying distance is a lot further ant so much cleaner

thats gonna cause some friction here mate lol
i use to have an M300 mate and to be honest its no different , my G4 matches the performance of an M300 all day long , ive had a G5 a G4 and an M300 , and the G4 is my favorite
Yeah the mix quality is the same but with the m300 you get 5 times more out of your rotor and stator the pumping distance is far more than any g4 or g5, I used to have a g4 I changed it for a m300, g4 is a good first machine
they'll pump the same distance mate but in all the years of using machines only once have i needed to pump further then 25m's, but you do get more out of the m-tec R&S , i wouldnt say 5 times more though
wish they'd put the same hopper motor as on the duo mix so it doesn't stick out like on the m300. things are meant to get better designed and lighter/compact not bigger with new technology apart from golfs lol
My first machine is an m-tech 300 monkeys old one they are great but I find getting the c**t round site is a pain in the arss
you can pump 25m on 25mm hoses then you need to upgrade to 35mm isnt a good selling point that really is it that if you spend another £500 on hoses you dont need to move the machine ,

More hoses means more back pressure more back pressure means harder wear on the rotor and stators wearing them out quicker , and that goes for all machines mate
So is it true what they say about the 300 being one of the best up to date machines out there or is the pft everybit as good
what material are you spraying at 15 bar, The M300 is a good machine there's no doubt about it but i bet you i could clean my G4 out a lot quicker then your M300, apart from maybe getting more life from you R&S either machine is just as good as each other and if you want more meterage from the R&S then put a clamp on there
and there it endeth ;D...............takes me 4 hours to clean the floor and my hawk and trowel after 2 bags of hardwall :-[
I was nearly pushed into buying an m tec from a right t.wat he was handing out m-tec leaflets and pushing them like they were the best thing since sliced bread.
In the end I bought a pft machine and glad I did as the bloke selling the m-tec's came across as a right usless d.ick
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