First job

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Wolves ste

New Member
Cmon then guys what happened on your first job/jobs I've posted this in newbies
as well lol so be honest what happened any advice or admissions
lol cheers guys.
the first job i was on was a big site, and i fell down a manhole. 1 leg went completely down and it had been raining so it was full
Not my first job but defo the worst was replastering my nans bathroom which was a freebie. The plumber had been in the day and moved the pipes round under the floor and put the floorboards back on. I came that board the ceiling and dot and dab the walls. I could reach the ceiling from the floor for measuring so was walking taking the measure whilst stretching only to fall through the floor and go through the living room ceiling as the stupid F*****g plumber had not fixed the floorboards back down! So I then had to redo the living room ceiling as well! >:(
Not my first job but was when I was learning, dropped a full hawk of gear down the site foreman's neck n shoulders!! Teach him to creep about, was working on a scaffold over stairwell, he was coming upstairs!! He eventually found the funny side!! ;D
ziggy2 said:
Not my first job but was when I was learning, dropped a full hawk of gear down the site foreman's neck n shoulders!! Teach him to creep about, was working on a scaffold over stairwell, he was coming upstairs!! He eventually found the funny side!! ;D

the site i fell down a man hole. whenever we didnt want the site manager to come up we used to just put the planks over the stairwell and he used to just come in. look at the planks and f**k off again haha. oh and once i was carrying a full bucket of skim up a ladder right next to some face brickwork and dropped it. covered the wall! spent the next hour hoseing and scrubbing
;D ;D! Seen some lazy bastards chucking their slop buckets out the windows.....only to be stopped their dollar till they've jet washed the building!! :o
ziggy2 said:
;D ;D! Seen some lazy (french person)s chucking their slop buckets out the windows.....only to be stopped their dollar till they've jet washed the building!! :o

why would you do that. F*****g idiots.
our last labourer burst a mains water pipe on his first day. lead pipe and it was in his way so he bent it.
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