Finishing 125 degree internal angles

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For example old houses or conservatories where there are 125 degree internal angles.

I have replastered plenty of these and the angle was very sharp (vertically), we always work wet to wet as we knock out big areas at a time and normally use corner pro trowel to round in angle, or alternatively roll angle left to right with trowel , creating a rounded angle. what i would like to know is if anyone knows how to form angle without rolling in? (Vertically). Some of the joiners find it hard to fit skirtings if corner has been rolled due to angle and build up of plaster on skirting board level. Have seen an adjustable internal corner trowel but never tried it! Any sugestions
done plenty of the joiners just love your rounded corners eh? ;D
all i do is trowel the corner carefully as you would do if it were dry but from both sides (obviously!)
sometimes i just run the 100 degree internal trowel up it to get a line but an 18" finish trowel with get it straighter..
if its a full height wall (not just a bay window) you could always use a feather edge to start the corner off wet (presuming the walls a mile out)
just be careful placing your trowel in the corner and pull away...
still easiest way is dry corners, if youre havin to go at speed, do so, but give the shitty bits to the guy crackin the whip so he knows wot youre up against.. failing that you could blob a stop bead internally, done that before but to be honest it didnt really help, I acheived just as good a line without it..
if the walls really bad you could throw it on real thick then spend a minute with the feather edge, let that pull right in then treat as normal

things to say in old houses 'SMOOTH', 'wheres that ******** electrician','wheres the pva?'
things not to say..... 'FLAT','of course ill change your stop cock for you','i'll get that in one, easy'
Thanks for that will give it a try next time it comes up, oh and joiners really do love rounded corners, just tell them if they soak skirting in water with a radius it fits! The expression on thier face is priceless.
cheers peg i have read it before, it seemed to make more sence the second time i read it, ive never done this type of angle before, i think ill try plastering walls either side of the angles let that dry then plaster the middle wall. would you consider the use of a straight egde so there is something to plaster up 2 for the first coat, then removing when applying the second coat and finishing the corner of by hand.
Refer to Big Segs post for use of straight edge, it does make sense but have'nt had an opportunity to try it yet! We normally use the rubber corner pro /rubber s*x toy thing! It gives you a good finish, takes a bit of getting used to though, only problem is getting skirting boards to fit. We normally knock out rooms in one hit so always work wet to wet, this is why we use this.
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