Filling in new wiring/plumbing

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I know i'm always asking questions and it must seem like i'm a complete novice, well i am just starting out and doing jobs for friends and family. I've done a course and can skim great but it just seems that ordinary skimming jobs are few and far between and i've had more awkward patching jobs than anything else.

Anyway to my questions, my mate has asked me to make good of the holes in his walls where the new central heating has been installed, the pipes have been put into the walls but are not protected in anyway, am i ok to just bond and skim? The electrics are going to be done also so should I expect the electrician to put them in trunking and then just bond and skim?

Again if you wouldn't mind could you give me an idiots guide to doing this job.
Also just for reference could someone tell me how to remove radiators incase I need to (its a brand new combi system with new radiators) I though I read a post on it recently but I cant find it anywhere.

I know I dont ask much ;D ;D ;D
Hello Mate
Ref the radiators you just need to be really carefull especially if they are old,firstly you need to close both valves, the main mistake people make is not bracing the pipe (inlet or outlet) before attempting to undue the nut, I use a large adjustable placed on the inlet or outlet pipe nut then a small adjustable to undue and as you undue the nut hold the large adjustable so the pipe does not move, you will probaly after apply opposing pressure as you do this. I always have towels on the floor and a bucket ready to empty the rad, what you may find but its rare is that when the valve is closed you still get some water seeping out, you can get around this by buying brass caps from a plumbers merchant, they have a black seal inside and will seal the pipes 100% until rad back on. I have never had a problem with radiators but I always make sure I know where the stop cock is just in case and don't assume its under the sink, check to be on the safe side, what I do aswell is offer to leave the rad off until they have done the painting then come back and fit it. Hope this helps.
Anyway to my questions, my mate has asked me to make good of the holes in his walls where the new central heating has been installed, the pipes have been put into the walls but are not protected in anyway, am i ok to just bond and skim? The electrics are going to be done also so should I expect the electrician to put them in trunking and then just bond and skim?

Again if you wouldn't mind could you give me an idiots guide to doing this job.

Any thoughts?
when i can remember where i posted the rad removal tutorial ill lewt u know.. hang on... it was the one where oasis was just starting the damp job, not the last one, one before, ill find it...
right.. pipes in walls...
if theyre copper and buried in the brick DONT use s+c cos cement EATS copper... use hardwall and skim it at a patch...
the electrics should be capped off by the electrician with either pvc or galvo capping, NOT trunking... trunking is for surface fixing..
incidentally, the reason cables are capped over ISNT for protection for anything, cos you can still bang even a panel pin through galvo capping cant you?
Its there just in case some numpty does bang a nail through it, then the spark can find the top of the capping (either under the floorboards on the first floor or in the loft) and pull a new section of cable through... if youve ever done or watched a rewire this is how they run the cables, you use the earth and wind your new cable to it, then pull it through the capping, this saves pulling the wall to bits...
sometimes they use a pvc tube instead of capping...
this is also why cables arent allowed to have 90 degree bends hidden in the wall, they should ALL be vertical (also so if you see a socket or switch youve a good idea of where the cable is so NOT to hang a picture above it!)
So would you not recommend bonding then? I've just bought it for this job, not that that matters like but I'm starting at 7.30 and the shops wont be open then.
yeh bonding will do mate, its just that bonding is more for low suction backgrounds and will tend to craze up a bit, but you should be ok, might just wanna run a brush full of pva down the chase before you bond it, wet it up a bit...
hardwall would be better but to be honest mate, its just a chase, use whatever you got half a bag of in the van... just dont use anything with cement in it... youll end up with a sprinkler system, only way round that is to cover the pipes with hessian, thats why all gas pipes laid in the screed have to be coated copper (sheathed in a pvc coating) and water pipes are either sheathed in a hessian sleeve (a right pain in the arse to get over the pipes, specially 22mm) or overlaid with hessian strip and masonary clipped down to the concrete before the screed is laid..
Is there anything you dont know big segs? I was worried that the chase might crack when the pipes are hot but I 'll definitely take your word for it.
never a good idea burying pipes in a wall anyway mate, only takes a numpty to stick a nail in then you got a world of trouble, thats why plumbers usually surface fix...
stud wall are ok though...
normally, if the boilers upstairs there'll be a flow/return 22mm drop in an unobtrusive place from the upstairs down into the screed, then the rads are fed from the floor, upstairs its all in the timber floor...
10mm microbore plastic are a bit better than 15mm copper but the risk is still there...
i know what your mates after, doesnt wanna see pipes hangin down every wall but there y'go, y takes yer chance...
plaster should be ok though...just dont turn the boiler on till the plasters really dried out proper or it WILL crack...
Like Steve28 says Segs, could you be 'Ask Elvis' on Steve Wright's Thursday afternoon radio show ?

What are your thoughts on Stephen Hawking's black hole theories and quantum physics ?
im leaning towards the string theory thing myself, i cant get my head round the idea of 'the force' (the idea that theres this all consuming force all around which explains gravity, this is the 'higgs boson' thing) though that aside the idea of superstring theory is even more outrageous.. idont know the details but they reckon it gives rise to more than one dimension, at least 6 and maybe up to 10, 11 is where it has to stop...
theres some great utube clips on it... theres this cube thing that tries to explain the idea of a 4th spatial dimension called a hypercube... the explanation is based around the idea that a theoretical 2 dimensional 'creature' living in a 2 dimensional world wouldnt be able to even comprehend let alone see a 3 dimensional creature and so it is for us 3d beings not being able to understand the concept of a 4 dimensional being... very very bloody strange is quantic mechanics... like the double slit experiment... very very f'ckin weird that no?
btw.. the large hadron collider is pretty much aimed at discovering the higgs boson, thereby proving the theory... the trouble with superstring theory is nobody has got any clue how to even go about devising an experiment to prove it, let alone conducting the experiment.. so we could be a few years before 'warp factor 10 scotty'...
and another thing... anyone ever read a book called the tao of pooh? no? me neither.. but johnny wilkinson (rugby) must have cos he's just converted to zen buddhism through studying quantum mechanics...
to explain.. the tao of pooh tries to correlate zen buddhism to quantum mechanics through the antics of pooh bear... apparantly there a distinct similarity in the teachings (quantum mechanics vs zen buddhism that is)... and the same applies to some extent to kabballah (madonna)... deep no?
anyone fancy that one on friday night? :P
all theoretical science is bunk! i'll get the booze in ready! ;D 've read the tao of pooh. not as good as the house at pooh corner in my opinion ;D don't get me started on the kabballah or scientology or any other celebrity "religions" i'll save it for tomorrow segs
cant wait!! i had a go at the tao once but my brain tried to escape through my ears after the first chapter.. couldnt handle it so big respect to you sir!!
in defence of theoretical physics though... we once thought the earth was flat did we not? and it was only a theory once that we were decended from apes... everyone else was well up for the adam and eve bollox ;D in fact have the church of england not recently appologised in public to charles darwin??... i gonna shut up now.... spoiling tommorow nights fun!! :D
God, what a job this was in the end!!! All the radiators (thanks bigsegs for the tutorial) had to come off as the pipes were chased underneath them and up the walls, I had to learn how to be ambidexterous and use the pipe trowels, midget trowels, filling knifes and almost every other tool in the bag.
Anyway that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was taking the first radiator off, the pipe connection at one end mustn't had been properly disconnected from the radiator when I lifted it off and it obviously took the pipe with it, there was water spraying everywhere!!!!! I thought i'd kinked and split the pipe and was really sh****g myself by this point, anyway I had a closer look and it turned out that I just twisted the valve a bit and loosened a nut so a little tighten sorted it out, PHEW!!!!! Soaking but very very relieved!!
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