Filling cracks on exterior textured walls? help and good advice please

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Just been to look at a small job painting the front part of a house,easy job, but they have maybe4-5 cracks in the wall a few around the bottom of the window ect they dont look that bad but they want them filling.

the problem i have is the wall is textured in a stipple like the photo iv attached.

so how would i go about filling the cracks? cant just dab fill in there surly?
yea thats the one.. just not sure how to fill the cracks on it? couldt hack back and re render as that would never match up the same surly? was thinking of useing Exterior cork to out in the gap but still not the best
if your gonna re paint it you could patch this .you need to scrape off tyrolean a good trowell width around cracks ,feathering it back not just an obviose stop if you know what i crack as you would with render and if painting just mix sand and cement thickish slurry and spray it in 3-4 light coats .then paint. remember to mask any frames or glass thats near
now thats the answer im looking for! but as im a inside man (drilled) what is the best way to re pair. i guess i would scrape back as you said then cut out a 3 inch - 4 inch wide gap over the crack back about 10 mill? then use some mesh render flat in one coat, then next day do the mix u said and use the Tyrolean tools to spray the gear on?
there is a bit more to it mate, when you use the gun you must cover the surrounding areas. if you dont do this, the gun will cover the surrounding areas aswell, resulting in filling out around the crack. this will stand out. if this happens you are in the sh..e big time. only way out is to go over the whole elevation to get the same texture. or tell them they might see where its bin patched. tell them this before you start. the tyrolean gun tends to cover a large area, forget about aiming it at the patch, youll get that anyway. get the lab to hold a bit of cardboard to protect the surrounding area..........enjoy ;)
ah i see. so may look crap when done. and thats if it is Tyrolean . looks like it to be fair. wot else could it be? but ill tell them can paint and fill with cork (may hold any water out) or do the job as said but also may look pooh. good ill sound like bringer of bad news! its gann cost ya £**** yey!
if its only a small are theres a little trick you can use...
get yourself a small stiff handbrush, not a soft one, sort of thing you get with a dustpan but NOT a soft one..
mix up some wet render, get a handful of it and drag it across the bristles of the brush...
when the bristles flicks back it'll flick the render at the wall with a texture almost identical to what your looking for...
you vary the texture by allowing more or less render to pass through your fingers each pass, build it up as you go, works a treat but you'll need to let it dry AND cure before you paint it or as soon as your roller hits it it'll come off on the roller...

btw oasis its CAULK not CORK and is usually used to describe water based acrylic interior fillers like painters mate..
Must take you ages to tyrolean using a dustpan brush, you might think I am a bit flash but I bought myself a tyrolean gun its much quicker mate !
;D mate i wouldnt do a full bleedin wall like that! its only any good for patching little areas, like round window horns, installed vents, small repairs etc...
actually its even better than a tyrolean gun for small areas cos you direct it better and it doesnt go all over the place! specially round windows ;)
this is were this site is worth every penny.. wait i dont pay!

would it not be best to buy a bag of the Tyrolean mix? and chris would a brush be better than the gun for a patch? and i guess ill need to build it up in at least 2-3 coats

thanks again people
personally i'd use my brush trick over a tiny little area with a bit of s+c but if i was on your prices i'd go and get a gold plated tyrolean flicker, sheet the entire street out and have a feild day :P
couple or three passes at different angles should have it done in no time mate..
all depends on how big the area is once youve repaired the cracks..
whats a tyrolean gun in screwfix these days anyway? 20 - 30 quid?
LOL.. yea £25 fink are old man has one so will take his. but ill use the ready mix as im still unsrue with s&c and ill cock that up for sure. so still i guess i hack back the crack after scraping back the Tyrolean then put a small bit of mesh in the gap and top with render in one hit. next day attempt the Tyrolean

there are a few cracks one was about 2 meters long but all very thin
Oasis leave it alone youve not even said why you think its cracked or wether it will crack again, and it probably will coz what your gonna do aint gonna fix sheite.
id say tampons, its about 10-15 years old the house small cracks in common areas? so do we have to always run away from theys jobs and let crack heads deal with them i guess
oasis said:
id say tampons, its about 10-15 years old the house small cracks in common areas? so do we have to always run away from theys jobs and let crack heads deal with them i guess

Ok oasis i re-read your original post and realised you posted a completely different pic to the job your talkin about which is a little confusing and maybe a bit stupid but hey, you seem to look for an answer to a problem and as soon as something sounds like the answer you want to hear you switch off to any possible problems. You should maybe of started your post with "render has cracked on the front of a house and i dont know why, i dont care why its cracked and im not interested in why its cracked or wether it will crack again in the future aslong as i get some money from it, i am not interested in any way why render cracks im only interested in money" so my answer to you is rake it out fill with bonding compound makin sure to use fibre tape across the joint get yourself a stipple pad and stipple it with multie finish, paint within an hour and get your pennies and get on your horse and ride into the sunset...................... :)
why would i want to no why its cracked as there is nothing anyone can do to fix this? cracks happen strip um back and try to fix um? nah I'm not after money mate I'm after experience and a quality finish
i came round to look at a paint job why would i run away as soon as there are a few cracks if i can over come this now then i can do it again and again and make money out of being able to repair external cracks on textured finish. again like people say if your not trying to help or don't care f*u*ck off, I'm just trying to find out answer to questions i don't no. were else would i ask? some people have come up with grate answers iv learnt allot already in a few hours of a post worth while for me.
"why would i want to no why its cracked as there is nothing anyone can do to fix this?" Wrong. Have you not told the customer your gonna fix it? If your not after money and you want a quality finish i suggest you get someone who knows what they are doing and watch and learn rather than come on a forum ask and go away and think you know what your doing. And if you think once youve done this job it qualifies you to fix all types of rendering especially as far back as lets say 15 posts on this topic you didnt know it was tyrolean. I was trying to help and your right i dont care but no need to swear at me especially as im suffering PMT ;)
I guess if you wanted to do it on the cheap you could use paintable silicone, never looks good imo though.

I'd repair crack, hire the gun and redo the area informing the customer that its not going to look the same because of weathering, different materials etc. But you will blend into existing. I've done a few like that before looks like its had about 3 passes with the tyrolean gun. Use a textured paint, i ususally use dulux weathershield, paint the whole wall and it unlikely that u'll soo the patch.

Or you could tell them you need to hack the lot off and redo! ;)
flynnyman you dont get it one bit mate you sound like a rite moody **** im not sayin im ganna fix every problem . i no what tyrolean is just could't rember the name of the stuff iv seen it put on a few times before. so like i said you'v gota start somewere? if i dint think i could do it i would't be asking. so how do you move on from one skill to another?
did you learn everything you no from one guy or did you ever venture out and learn things for your self?
any wayz no need ta reply ita never end.
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