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plastering a room 2 day, the walls were in bad condition with little cracks all over. so scrimed the worst, and put fibre in the first coat of multi, does any one do this.

also the first coat went off like a rocket
Never tried it, thought the fibres were mostly for renders/screeds etc. Does'nt sound as if it went too well?
yeh i thought the same, fibre's for render..strengthens and reduces cracking...
i dont like putting anything in my finish...not even pva...though ill put finish in bonding or hardwall for a fast setting supergetuoutoftheshitgloop 8-)
Never heard of fibres in skim i just thought it was for screed, plus if you get the slightest thing in the skim dont it go all weird i always dig foreign bodies out of skim, it's got a terrible habbit of floating up to the surface especialy polyballs they things do my head in or a malting panel brush.
the guy on the Gold trowel dvd put fibres in the first coat to prevent cracking on really old walls, which have loads of little cracks, the job went well and alot quicker than usual
the guy on the Gold trowel dvd put fibres in the first coat to prevent cracking on really old walls, which have loads of little cracks, the job went well and alot quicker than usual

I've done this a couple of times and apparently it does strengthen the mix and prevent cracking. It does also speed up the setting time which can be a pain in the a*se on a bad wall that has high suction anyway! Plastering eh? You can't win..... :-/

Whenever my labourer mixes up outdoors I find myself picking hefty blades of grass out of the mix when it's on the wall. Seems to happen even when he's nowhere near a flaming lawn. I'm sure he goes around looking for the stuff to drop in and sabotage my fantastic reputation ;)
guy must have been fast...even multi goes off super fast on old i tend to find if you over seal it to try and combat the setting time it grins at you for an hour then goes rock hard in 10 minutes flat!
still, if it works in render, no reason why it shouldnt work in finish, i just wouldnt fancy limiting my set have to double the job price, albeit on the 'it wont crack though missus' pretext...someone else will just come along and tell em exactly the same, leave the fibres out and get the job for less money...
good on yer for quality though christ... 8-)
polyballs they things do my head in or a malting panel brush.
are polyballs them little polysterene insulation balls that always seem to get stuck to your pva'd wall before you lay on?? f'kin things...
but what on gods earth is a malting panel brush??? and why are you trying to trowel it into your wall????

this is the job i done 2 day with the fibre in the mix, probably take a while for picture to appear.
looks well tidy mate i can see youre banging out youre tubs that washing out brush looks nice and clean!
at the end off the day i spend a bit of time cleaning plaster off windows, coving and plugs ect, i live in small town were people talk about you behind your back, so i give them some thing good to talk about
old boy once told me, remember your p's and q's and tidy up after yourself and the customer will think you're a star. i always spend time tidying up even if i'm back the following day.
polyballs they things do my head in or a malting panel brush.
are polyballs them little polysterene insulation balls that always seem to get stuck to your pva'd wall before you lay on?? f'kin things...
but what on gods earth is a malting panel brush??? and why are you trying to trowel it into your wall????

Yeah the polysterene balls and your water brush is called a panel brush didnt you know that?
didnt have a clue bod :-[
so i take it you meant 'moulting' panel brush!! ;D
why on earth is it called a 'panel' brush?? thats like calling a plastering trowel a 'finishing' trowel...o yeh they do dont they..
still use the bugger for render though!!!
btw i call it a 'wet brush' like 'wet bucket' prolly cos its full of water... :-X
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