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Private Member
cant belive im taking it on but need must £4 a square hardwall an skim only plus is measure through windows an doors and bigish areas and im having to travel nearly 2 hrs for the job. when will things pick up
i know mate i said how come the rates have dropped this time last yr they were payin 6.50 he said they had to price it at that to get it an 4 quid is better than the nothing im getting now!! >:(
2 years ago I was getting £10 a square hardwall and set.

Napper the only way to make money here is to get a cheap labourer a banker board and have him mixing all day and dumping it on the board. none of this 2 coat rubbish nice thick one coat lay it up flat and rule off. Just concentrate on hardwall all day then skim it all the next.

ive got a lad who can skim a bit aswell rich i know i can lay up an skim 40/50 sqaure on my own if i push myself so will make it pay just pisses me off knowing that they are using the recession excuse to squeeze prices more than they have to
I agree with you mate its a right Piss take but if that all there is then go for it. as I said before some people will tell you to 2 coat the hardwall, well if you wanna do that then you may as well pull your pants down and get f**k*d now .

I wish you all the best with it mate

ive never 2 coated hardwall mate like u say lash it on rule it make sure skirts angles and ceiling line are spot on an move on to the next wall only way to make it pay
Some people would have you shot on here for saying that, oh and napper dont forget to use screeds as well ..... yeah right
napper83 said:
cant belive im taking it on but need must £4 a square hardwall an skim only plus is measure through windows an doors and bigish areas and im having to travel nearly 2 hrs for the job. when will things pick up

when people stop workin for £4 a metre float and skim..............;)
grand wizard said:
hardwall is only ever one coat just do another ten m2 nap

I know it is but it was only a few weeks ago that people were trying to make me look a c ont by saying 2 coat it and use screeds
i use screeds nobface ;D.........why not ? on a small wall ill just rule it off
rubbish screeds are the only way you can get a wall true ......and are for tricky for people who dont know what to do with them
i use screeds, richard, we all do things different, don't be so sensitive, i wasn't trying to make you look a c, you just are one! ;)
Most walls are all but upright anyway and if you can lay flat and rule well then you wont have a problem.

The wall would have to be horrific to warrant sceeds in my opinion

Who cares if the wall is %100 upright as long as the ceiling line, angles and skirting are good

Most stud walls are P issed as farts

I have never in my life even with the most evil clerk of the works had my float and set picked up

Screeds slow you down, how could napper make any cash on £4 a square if he was messing about with screeds
all i got was a grunting noise ???............please more ? ........tried asking about ruling of door linings but all i could get was stick it in my ass you b*****d
yeh she mentioned something about him having a small cock ???
grand wizard said:
hardwall is only ever one coat just do another ten m2 nap

exactly gonna dig it, sites open till 8 so with the light nights just hit it hard while i can so push that extra 10-15 sqaure a day

an as for screeds f**k that how can it be quicker ??? ??? get it on get it straight an f**k off on to the next wall skirts ceiling an angles get them right u aint gonna get pulled up
The crap rates aren't going to last forever. I'll just get there half an hour earlier and leave half an hour later to make a little bit up. No real hardship, and i'll miss all the traffic too.
Speaking of crap rates, some tool is on Gumtree looking for time served spreads for a contract in Cambridge 8.30 - 6pm for the princely sum of £75 per day, i contacted him to see if he had missed a 1 off and he seemed none to impressed and then went on to tell me i was typical of crap British tradesmen. Come the revolution! ;D
Bumhair said:
Speaking of crap rates, some tool is on Gumtree looking for time served spreads for a contract in Cambridge 8.30 - 6pm for the princely sum of £75 per day, i contacted him to see if he had missed a 1 off and he seemed none to impressed and then went on to tell me i was typical of crap British tradesmen. Come the revolution! ;D
What a dickhead he wants a bullet in the back of is head for takin the P1ss
Theres a lot of comedians around who seem to have no idea how much it costs to live these days.
Bumhair said:
Speaking of crap rates, some tool is on Gumtree looking for time served spreads for a contract in Cambridge 8.30 - 6pm for the princely sum of £75 per day, i contacted him to see if he had missed a 1 off and he seemed none to impressed and then went on to tell me i was typical of crap British tradesmen. Come the revolution! ;D
Put his number up and we can all ring him. Tell him we'll start tomorrow and not turn up.
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