external insulation

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was talking to someone in the industry last week about the carbon footprint of the manufacturing of ewi, he said the next generation of insulation will have to adhere to the governments new policy on greener housing, and that their company has brought a cork plantation in portugal ! i know sto do a cork insulation has anybody used it ? gotta be better than mineral wool for rendering onto :-[
was at eco build and got chatting to the bloke from alumask which also do a new cork insulation board. he reckoned that they're s**t for u'value and are expensive but do have good eco credentials........funny going to those shows gives you a taste of what's happening.....a couple of years ago it was underfloor heating now its cork/ewi
who is the maker with the cork insulation merlin?
i know there is a new grade of eps coming up that offers the same values but at much thinner board size. wool can be a bugger to render onto I prefer eps but then that comes with tricky fire breaks
plasterjfe said:
who is the maker with the cork insulation merlin?
i know there is a new grade of eps coming up that offers the same values but at much thinner board size. wool can be a bugger to render onto I prefer eps but then that comes with tricky fire breaks

Rendering squirrels fur is a bugger but not as bad as snake skin-- EML the way forward there
eml aint part of the system build up to a mineralwool eifs system tho. thin coat render wont cover it, maybe i will try the snake skin instead
the fella i was talking to does work for alumasc they based down the road from us, basically he was saying there is a new european standard for energy management and that cork has a lower carbon footprint than any other insulation,this fits in with the initiative but if we are going down this road surely it makes sense to do this with the actual render too, i know parex do the enduit ehi lime render for insulation but dont know of any others ?
what about st.astier thermocromex, it's a scratch back coloured lime render which is relatively flexible so would that work?
think the new eps insulation is phenolic eps it cannot be rasped down for some reason
never really done alot of insulation , never bothered , but getting asked alot to price for it now.
its a good earner merlin and you can get the materials for about 14 to 18 pound a m2 for the whole system
grand wizard said:
think the new eps insulation is phenolic eps it cannot be rasped down for some reason
phenolic cant be rasped because its more like a foam (like kingspan) and has like a fibre fabric coating on it so no rasping. the u values are good tho
merlin said:
the fella i was talking to does work for alumasc they based down the road from us, basically he was saying there is a new european standard for energy management and that cork has a lower carbon footprint than any other insulation,this fits in with the initiative but if we are going down this road surely it makes sense to do this with the actual render too, i know parex do the enduit ehi lime render for insulation but dont know of any others ?
Do you live near st Helens merlin
check out envirowall there stuff is good or phone les he will write you a spec and he does all the materials
merlin said:
no mate im in bedfordshire,thats the only insulation i done ,phenolic , kooltherm k5
Alumasc offices in st helens i thought you could v been up ere when you said you was talkin to them.
I might av read your message wrong
yeah gonna in future ,been tied to a manufacture until now ,they ve given me good jobs but the service is s**t. gonna bin em .
does les's system come with guarantees etc? have priced up a few ewi jobs but cost is an issue for most punters so 14-16m2 for mats sounds good
plasterjfe said:
merlin said:
no mate im in bedfordshire,thats the only insulation i done ,phenolic , kooltherm k5
Alumasc offices in st helens i thought you could v been up ere when you said you was talkin to them.
I might av read your message wrong
no you read it right mate,alumasc gotta plant near me.
gotta pal does alot for em , they guarentee labour too,which is a good selling point, seem a good outfit, look after him
If they use cork then put a proper lime render over then this would be very eco friendly as lime mortar has no cement content at all and requires less heat to produce it... it would have to be traditional NHL though not the monocouche which is white cement (China Clay) and hydrated lime and sand
yeah they seem to be the better rail systems those with the tin hat weatherby is like that. not over keen on the plastic horizontals.
grand wizard said:
whats the difference in price jife
off the top of my head i think its about a third more expensive than eps but dont quote me. you know on these systems a couple of pound on the sqm can really put your prices up.
goody said:
does les's system come with guarantees etc? have priced up a few ewi jobs but cost is an issue for most punters so 14-16m2 for mats sounds good
if les is a distributor for the envirowall stuff then the product will be certified and tested by them (envirowall) and will come with (quality and fire rated) certs. As far as warranty the contractor must install as per the manufacturers spec and provide the workmanship warranty then with that the manufacturer will back it up with a product warranty so basically its a shared responsibility, hence the whole approval senario.
If you buy off the shelf and install someones system and something goes wrong, its purely down to you if they have not been involved in the spec side of things from the off.
Render Systems said:
If they use cork then put a proper lime render over then this would be very eco friendly as lime mortar has no cement content at all and requires less heat to produce it... it would have to be traditional NHL though not the monocouche which is white cement (China Clay) and hydrated lime and sand
thermocromex from st astier is a NHL based monoocouche render mate.
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