expansion beads

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i was watching a few vids on youtube, and quite a few vids show plasterers sticking expansion beads on up on internal walls every 4ft or so and then only having to rule their render up between the level beads. does any1 ever do this or is it just a foreign thing? a lot of it was being done with machines.
learn to screed , if i saw someone doing that they would be gone because there not any good at there job if they have to do that
The only bead you can use as a profile bead, if you should have to is a (T-bead) as they are designed for that purpose, if you use a stop bead for that type of work the materials will crack along the stop edge of the bead.
What the lads are saying is use no beads, uses screeds, or freehand rule.Apart from Phippsy, cos he is shat at plastering.
Interesting vids, but Christ they've got some rough brickies in the Ukraine :o They sell those Knauf depth beads in Wickes.
i would never use a bead as a depth indicator.have used screeds in past but just free hand now but using beads,makes u look like a chimp....personal opinion only....
im not really that keen on them either. just thought they looked interesting.
the spreads in the video are using them with one coat plaster. wouldnt they just show through?
... called one coat as in backing plaster and finish plaster but in reality you apply it in 2 coats over the wall .......so probably not , as it would be covered on second pass....
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