every1's a plasterer

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Well-Known Member
me and the kid i am working with at the min are having a joke at work about how many ppl say they are plasterer's

last week i had 4 -
1 labourer said he was
a bloke in the pub said he could do it as he did 1 wall in his bathroom
another kid turned up from a agency all gear n that, tried to do a 3 x 7 ft wall needed 3 goes at it. still looked to55.

he didnt get paid for 3 days work came on site with iron bar. oh dear

also another labouerer has told me he is a plasterer but can't drive (only 17) so cant get any gear to work.

is this just in the north or is it some new trend i have not yet heard of.

u kno like when G-star came out, or ipods came on to scene :-?
Had some howlers mate in the last few years, One guy come "Im a spread he says no one can touch me you know the type. starts skimming a bedroom ceiling in a barret house, only put 1m2 on in the corner and a square meter on one wall. Says to him" whats the crack like here" tells me thats how he does it !!nobhead at that rate it would have taken him about 4 weeks to skim a 3 bed house. Had lads float on and you can get your hand behind the edge.on new work. Too many chancers, but when we needed man power what can you do, I like the guy in the pub meself "Best in the world, Fast as KCUF, the flashing blade yet hes there at 12 oclock every day tappin some one for a pint absolutly caked in crap" ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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