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New Member
hi folkes just a question ive just done an estimate for a customer an i was wondering if i was a bit steep on my price
any feed back would be great

the job is to knock off 48m2 of old plaster to walls a new ceailing pulling old one down
then rebonding 48m2 of wall skimming beading etc etc

ive put an estimate in of £1100 including materials is this steep or in the rite area :o any feedback would be much apreciated

thnx ric :)
I,d quote about £700-£750, but would want to D & D it if possible.
thnx i wanted to dot and dab but they want it bonding grrrrrrrrr so wat i i av said is pretty steep then by the sounds of it :(
id want a grand without ripping anything off or down, that then depends on whos payin for the skip but id want 300 just labour..
knockin oldplaster off old bricks then re plastering is a whole world away from newbuild hardwall and set...
id want nearer 1500, and id prolly render it too, cheaper...
If ya bonding it, then its not bad, but depends how well old plaster is attached to said walls, last one I did was off in 2 hours, need a good dust mask though. And a being a good morris dancer helps. ;D
cheers big was panakin abt thinking i was to dear was going to use hardwall is tht any easier than s & c thnx any way m8 :-/
i reckon abt 150 plus a day if poss but im finding materials bloody expensive at mo is tht abt right ????
if what your up against is really old and loose your walls are gonna be BONE dry..loose friable mortar all over, timber lintels etc...
i wouldnt wanna be bonding on it myself...did they specify bonding or is it up to u? bondings for low suction backgrounds....yours wil be anything but low suction...
you should get that job at 3 days 2 blokes + skip + materials + diesel...
id have gone in a bit more, its always best to float and set on bricks, id use hardwall though
cant say for absolute certain but id bet money that what you find behind your old plaster are common bricks..
they'll suck worse than durox/thermalites so if youve ever tried bonding on breeze block youll get a similar effect..
i'd render it in s/c purely cos im used to it/set in my ways...
failing a ton of sand bein available id want something you can throw in a mixer, set the mixer up in the room and just keep throwing bags in...dricoat or limelite or some other preblended render...
medium roof lwb transit will fit a mixer, cement, tools, and a ton bag of sand forked into the back for those lovely terraced house rendering jobs ;)
thts wat they asked for nicksey but wen u try explaining to customers wat best they dont like to listen id prefer to d&d if i could
well they can always say no ahhh well u live and learn
d+d alright its clean and quick .........if you can live with hollow walls ...................if you do use bonding ric look out for thickneses mate especially if you need to dub out areas ;)
Just done a simalar job as this only last week, 3 mtr high walls in hard wall about 28 mts2, hack off ,float & set. I charged 800 (no skip needed), took me 3.5 days. It was nice to do some old school stuff again.
i am on a new build doin hardwall an set, only advice mate would be to have a good level, and darby.

and try skim it up same day. can leave u in the right sh1t leaving it overnight
forget the bonding, like segs said sand and cement is the way to go, sounds a bit cheap if your supplying the skip and filling it up.
Why has the customer sugested bonding, what do they know and why are you taking the advise of a customer who has asked you for a price. They are probably getting bonding mixed up with the word floating, i think you need to explain to them about suction,damp,setting times(ie painting) and advise s&c. Forget a mixer if youve got a refina 1700 wisk or similar and mix up in a blue drum cut down.
i get the feelin they av advice of some one else so not sure bute tried explainin but customers always seem to think there right >:(
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