eny leads i can folow

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New Member
still looking for a job after 2 weeks onastle iv called every job going in jobcenr plus called over a 100 ltd companies.& contractors .what iv got in last 2 week.is 600 metres scimm only 3.75 per metr pluss bead mony.but its right down cambrige.dino to go or not thats the 1 that wants to employ us.also just come back from manchester. seen larg cinima that need rendering in a k_rend cinda stuff.bass coat mesh then top theirs 800 metr at £8 per metr..normal charge about 12 plus bead .iv also drove around all the big jobs in my area going on site haveing word with the contractors did the same in manchester god their was a masive job on salfird keys cant belive thy cant fit my small gang on it lol got a few leads for next mounth posible start in nov the 15 ish.but cant sit around waiting the render job about 2 weeks away gona take them a bit to scafold a 800 metr wall...eny 1 see wheir im going rong eny advice or links send them this way. anouther thing how do i get pics on this site .is their a way??
the esasiest way to put pics on is to use upload to this link https://www.picamatic.com/ follow the instructions .on plastering site click on add imageand insert url in between img)(img job done hope this helps mate. any problems let me know
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