eml .............. you b*****d!!!!!!!!!!

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Private Member
Caught the back of my right hand big style today on the rough edge of an eml sheet, it was about an inch long and straight to the bone and also severed an artery, I have never seen blood squirt out so far .... all over the ceiling and wall.

spend all morning in A&E having injections ,4 stiches and bandages.


wear gloves lads.

shite thats nasty hope your ok fella
my m8 cracked me on top of me head with trowel while troweling up last week felt like he had cracked me head open,but not too bad just a little gash n bit of blood.(should of bin wearing a hard hat)
hope the hand heals ok
lethal stuff that shite i done my wrist a few years back on it ....i was to busy to go to the hospital ....just got the gaffer tape out and sorted myself out
i had a bucket trowel smack me in the head of a second storey scaffold, it landed completely flat on my head which was F*****g lucky, not relevant but it reminded me of it!
I got really nasty paper cut last week , so i know what you goin through mate :'( :'(

(jokin apart mate , hope there,s no lasting damage)
Work was a mare today, cant do any trowel work so just spent the day picking fault in other peoples work and generally making a nuisance of myself
I went out at the weekend and all these leaves started falling on me from the trees. That was close. Could've been killed as some of those leaves were as big as my hand.
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