east manchester plasterers

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New Member
Hi my name is Gareth, I'm looking for any plasterers in east Manc to take me on as a trainee or a labourer. i'v read though other posts on here about how to get started and and most of them say to work for free, i cant do this as i have a mortgage and 3 kids to support. I would be willing to work for min wage or for free at weekends.
I would be leaving a full time job as a HGV driver to do this so this is a big step for me and if anyone could give me some good advice. Thanks.
best of luck mate, im somerset so way to far but if you have kids and a morgage and being close to christmass get on with someone part time. The only thing to watch is dont get taken on as cheap labour. What you could do is save up some money and do a 2 week plastering course and then go on with someone. Have you spoken to the local training board about doing an NVQ, you will have to do one anyway to get your CSCS card which you require to get on to most sites. anyway, best of luck mate
best of luck mate, im somerset so way to far but if you have kids and a morgage and being close to christmass get on with someone part time. The only thing to watch is dont get taken on as cheap labour. What you could do is save up some money and do a 2 week plastering course and then go on with someone. Have you spoken to the local training board about doing an NVQ, you will have to do one anyway to get your CSCS card which you require to get on to most sites. anyway, best of luck mate .

Simply, you took the words right out of my mouth mate.
keep your day job mate for the time being... winter is crap time to start even for us lot... under 4c and you cant work with plaster/render also with the recession still upon us we are finding it hard... nope stick to what your doing for now until things pick up and feed your kids mate
kebab king said:
best of luck mate, im somerset so way to far but if you have kids and a morgage and being close to christmass get on with someone part time. The only thing to watch is dont get taken on as cheap labour. What you could do is save up some money and do a 2 week plastering course and then go on with someone. Have you spoken to the local training board about doing an NVQ, you will have to do one anyway to get your CSCS card which you require to get on to most sites. anyway, best of luck mate .

Simply, you took the words right out of my mouth mate.
youre having a f**k**g laugh ;D
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