dry lining

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New Member
I have just finished dry lining my extention. My question is, what do I use to fill any small gaps with before taping the joints. Can I just use finishing plaster or do I have to use proper joint filler which is a lot for expensive.
Also how do I fix the corner metal beads before skimming.
you could use finish and treat it as a patch,also you can nail your thin coat beeds into the dots(i take it you put dots on the external)must dash away to see paul(the modfather)weller
When drylining external corners i always fill the up the whole edge of the board with adhesive so nailing the beads isn't a problem .i avoid sticking skimbeads wherever possible its messy.On overskimming where where i can't get a nail it the wall i stick them with decorators caulk and leave them to go off overnight.
If I understand right and you mean the gaps between the boards then if they are under 5mm then finish will fill it as you skim so just tape it. If they are bigger I use bonding coat to fill, scrape back and tape.

I attach beads with all sorts. Nails, staples, no nails, finish, and I've even just used scrim tape to tape it on! I always tape beads anyway.
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