Dot & Dab

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New Member
Im going to dot & dab my extension tomorow. Its onto thermalite blocks.

Can i just get on and dab straight onto the blocks or should i wet/pva them first ???
I'm sure there will be others who suggest otherwise, but personally I'd just dab straight onto the wall - Maybe wet them a bit first but wouldn't bother with PVA, but then I only dab enough for one board at a time as I go along so I get plenty of time chief
cmon mart read the bags ;D,just kiddin,used to wet the walls when we dabed with bondin or finnish,nowadays your waiting for the stuff to set instead of trying to stop it.
little tip if youve got a load to dab mix 4 or 5 bags an throwagallon of unibond in it will stay workable for 3-4 hrs.
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