Dot and dab

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Private Member
hello to all!
New here and just want a little advise. Have been plasterboarding today and ran out of dabbing, only had about 3m2 to do so used a batch of thick finish. Will it be alright will be skimming tomorrow. Suppose will have to wait and see.
Loads of houses used to get done like this......they had nothing but problems after a while that's why they make proper adhesive!
p.s dont try using hardwall ;D..........i did once :'( :'( :'( :'(
It don't stick boards to the wall! Years ago I was on a job and we ran out of drywall, the foreman told us to just use bonding, he'd used it loads as they do!! It doesn't like to hold boards, got no grab. We got more drywall delivered!! ;D
you would think bonding would be ok, used it a few times for sticking boards, not that its right, any one know of a job where the boards have come away ?
I know what your saying, should be fine, skims better as it tightens up when it sets but bonding got no grab, I've used it for bits n bobs but wouldn't use for full boards, used once cause we had nothing else and wouldn't hold. Get the right gear, then no comebacks.
Agreed!!! Do it right every time and there's no come back. At the end of the day it will take you twice as long to put it right. What's the point?!?
Was on a job once where the board was stuck to an outside 9 inch wall with bonding and the bonding just sucked the moisture content out of the wall into the board the builder blamed the outside pointing which i got the repointing job though their was nothing seriously wrong with it ended up in a court case dont know what happened in the end.
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