Does anyone want a me and my machine to help on a job?

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Private Member
i have a bit of spare time at the moment. if anyone wants a hand with some rendering or skimming iv got a ritmo that i could help you with.
let me know
whats life like with a ritmo nick? it easy to bang the metres on with skimming?
yeah sorry, im based near milton keynes.

the ritmo is good, takes a bit of getting used to, bit like learning half your trade again, but once you get the hang of spraying it on flat and getting the setup right, its a lot easier and quicker than by hand.

as an idea, does about 15-18 bags of hardwall an hour, get about 60-80 meters of skim on in about half hour. thats with 2 people.
as an idea, does about 15-18 bags of hardwall an hour, get about 60-80 meters of skim on in about half hour. thats with 2 people.
Thats nearly as fast as my mate!!!!!
do you sponge it or just trowel it up mate also do you spray youre first coat of multi on hardwall...have you used mono through it mate is it any good?
i spray on with my mate flattening behind, then when its picking up, flatten off properly like you normally would. then sponge and trowel up. is fine to spray multi on hardwall as long as its still green, and some1 is flattening off behind. not sure about if you were on your own and spraying on a whole wall.
tbh im trying to get into one coat rather than render and set
i havent used any mono yet.
aup are them ritmo s single phase ?do you reckon it would handle the weber pral m . ive done a small gable by hand today wont be again tho :)
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