Doe this make sense

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Working on the job at the mo and its a a reskim turning an old building into flats, well on the skirting lines the walls are all over the place and skirtings are not going on flat. Any way we didnt quote to bond walls only fill in chases and skim. So well we now have to bond the walls to straighten up skirting lines, and we are getting paid extra to do it :) But have to go back on the flats we have finished and sort out the skirting lines for free :( when i put this scenario to the foreman he said well you should have done it right in the first place, but when we went through the job in the first place we were told to follow the walls now we are losing out. I am going to put more stuff into writing and get them to sign things before i start a job next time as its turning out to be a nightmare.
if you were on daywork to sort the walls you'd be on daywok to sort the skirting ;)
If you've only quoted to skim coat then you're quite right to charge more for bonding, as we all know it takes a lot longer. We don't do a lot of site work with site agents to deal with but its worth putting your job spec in writing and detail all you're doing and not doing, then theres no come back. We try and cover our arse as much as possible when quoting for work but there always something you don't expect.
if yo were told to follow the walls then get hold of who ever said it and confront him, personally id have told them at the beginning that the walls needed sorting or the skirting line would be out and id of made sure everyone with any shout new about it and then done the job in whatever way they then specked it if they then wanted it sorting they would have to show me the diamonds
But what i dont understand is that they know its a problem, but wont pay to sort out what we did first, but are willing to pay for it on the ones we havent done. Well i am hoping they are gonna pay, as i picked up a cheque friday and they only paid up the price of the flats and not the extras involved, said can they sort it out at a later date. The skirting lines are not as bad as they are saying decorators caulk could easy sort it out but the architects an asshole and saying crap like 1mm tolerence TWATTT!!!!!
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