dodgy plaster?

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New Member
To all you professional plasters out there I need an opinion please. I
am just starting to have my extension plastered out, it's day 1 1/2
and I'm a bit worried about the work so far and need advice.
The hard coat roughing has gone onto 3 blockwork walls and there are a
lot more walls to go. Some of the blockwork was out of true apparently
so there was a fair bit of filling out to do in some areas with up to
3 layers. I would have thought that at this stage the surface should
be true, level and without hollows. This is not the case as by putting
a 6' batten across there appear to be a lot of unevenness with up to
3/8" :exclamation hollows and highs.
Am I right in thinking that no way is this a ground for multi finish
as I always thought that the roughing coat should be used to give a
level reasonably smooth surface which can the be skimmed over with 3mm
or so of finish plaster.

He works alone but with a labourer. Does this sound right or is it
normal for plasters to work in pairs?
If things are not right I want to stop now rather than continue in the
hope that he will sort it all out.

Any help would be very welcome as the plaster is the finish, a lot of hard work has gone into the prep and we want it to look perfect.

sounds odd but maybe he thinks that he will have more dubbing out to do the next day as the backing plaster he has put on may had toomany coats for one day.

I personally would wait till he has finished and then if your not happy then tell him also your would may be a little pissed.... you need a metal straight edge.

I work on my own on some jobs sometimes I have another labourer and spread all depends, doesnt make a difference really just cheaper for the

Let us know how it goes

thanks for that.

I had a proper plasterer round this morning and he totally condemed it. He said he didn't have the right tools (no feathering beads?), it is normal professional practice to plaster ceilings first, the hardwall is uneven, it's not scratched and therefore useless. He has 35 years experience, he's not cheap, doesn't advertise and works for the better quality local builders. The thing is he did actually quote me 3k some weeks ago and thinking to save money I went down the wrong route. He has agreed to do the job if we wait 6 weeks for a slot, but we will have to remove all the plasterwork that has been done so far.
He laughed when I said that chuckle brothers had taken 1 1/2 days to do 3 walls (badly)

I still haven't managed to contact matey yet to tell him to come pick up his tools and not return, so he'll get an earful from me this evening.
Glad you realised!!!!! Sounds like a plasterer from hell!!!! Three coats of backing!!!! Madness!!!!!

Cheap is certainly not the best!!!!!
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