do i do it or not

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big ali

New Member
i'm finishing skimming inside tomorrow morning then i'm supposed to be rendering outside, it's only a small kitchen extension about 25 meters then tyrolean on top, should i go for it or not, weather is sposed to be turning very cold, down to minus 2 over the next couple of days. decisions decisions
mmmmmm that my my thought but i was hoping someone with more experience than me would jump up and say '' yeah no probs, use krend and tyrolean over it same same you won't get any trouble with it at all'' but i reckon i'm dreaming aren't i.
you reckon it'll be ok to then, im well surprised, builder is picking materials up so i dunno if he is going for s+c or ocr, how long do you reckon i should leave it till i tyrolean it with the cold
ur supposed to let it fully dry before applying tyrolean. but up to u. if it needs doing it needs doing. but i would give it few days personally

as long as it isnt seriously cold, hessian sheets or something similar will keep it fine. just fix to roof and put a few brick on it onthe floor
sorted, cheers will try to push him towards ocr , last time i touched tyrolean i was a labourer as a youngish lad, ******* hated the stuff. dunno if theres anything i can push thru the t max , got to have a grain size of less than 1.5 mm unless i want to connect it to a compressor
Well it's simple mate check the forcast if no frost then get what you can on before 12 am you have about 3 hours to rub up ,and it all depends what it is brick . breeze if you cock up it on your head . It sounds like you have to do no matter what.
if you do it i would defo cover it up but i would give it at least a week to dry out could you not put any febspeed in your mix or like suggested ocr
yes mate, get the heaters on it. patio heaters are the best. good for when the customer wants to nip out for a fag aswell
didn't get to do it today as i got hung up with some studding ....i can't afford heaters as i only charge 45 quid a day so i plan to use my hand held heat gun to speed things up a bit, plus i am gonna chuck a handful of multi in with the mix, that might help it along a bit.
this is the best laugh i have had for ages... if its anywhere near 5c or below for 24 hours dont touch it with a bloody barge pole mate... you will get the blame when its all on the floor or popped off... PS £45.00 a day is to expensive....
so if it`s near 5c or below,don`t touch it.come on system`s have a word with yourself.i agree if it`s below 0c,it`s probably not the best idea to lay on.but how many day`s per year is the temp 5c or below?quite a few up your way i would imagine.if your laying on in the sun in low temp(between 0c-5c)it should be fine
bobby I just wrapped up rendering now for the year but I had 5 6 and during the day and 1 ish overnight but its a whole different game this week minus 1 2 3 or more in some areas so you can gaurantee frost. if the temp is at freezing or below then your stuff will freeze too. its a no no mate.

The safety net of the manufacturers is nothing below 4 but in the real world we all sneak it on a couple below that. The low temps break the set also leaving a weaker product on the wall so it aint just frost thats the prob.
if i downed my trowel for the winter,i`d have eight 4 bed`s to render in march,no i would`nt,they would give them to another spread.i understand what your saying mate.but in the real world,when you`ve got a site to complete(under contract),the work need`s doing.i agree if the night temp is -2,3 or 4 plus,it`s a good idea not to lay on.
freezing water and frost kills cement. if you risk it and it goes tits up you'll get the blame and have to do it again. you'll also run the risk of being branded rough and lose work in the long run.
if i downed my trowel for the winter,i`d have eight 4 bed`s to render in march,no i would`nt,they would give them to another spread.i understand what your saying mate.but in the real world,when you`ve got a site to complete(under contract),the work need`s doing.i agree if the night temp is -2,3 or 4 plus,it`s a good idea not to lay on.

Bobby I aint telling you to hang up the trowel just jump in for someone else subbing. Advise that will protect yourself, not take food off your table. If another firm instructs the work then your safe. remember last yr and this yr are going to be really bad not like previous yrs were talking up to -15 again

I turned down a job last yr the guy who took it has wind up the firm now job because the manufacturer wouldnt provide the warranty to the client because they installed in jan and feb, at very low temps the client then took him to the cleaners in breac h of contract. another firm i knew sat on the job and let the weeks tick over asking the MC for a written instruction to work below freezing they refused at first but eventually after the LAD's were closing in the MC instruced the work very clever but you need a cool nerve. If you carry on rendering year in year out in the freezing weather then sooner or later the failings will crop up and your reputation will nose dive.

Can you find some internal work to jump on?

I got a big farm house nr liverpool to be done due to being rendered last yr in all that bad weather, the whole lot needs to come off, sand and cement wipes to dust just from the touch and its cracking and shelling all over
you could get away with the render if you sheet it up but not with hessian it lets it through you need something solid tarps for the frost to sit on forget the tyroleenitll bloom like mad
I would never bother nowadays with S and C in these kind of conditions to many things can go wrong, it used to be 32 Farenheight and rising with Sand C but the longer the cold spell goes on the frost gets in the sand, we used to light a fire around the water butt to warm the water up but it cant get above 60 Farenheight or it will kill the cement though we never had thermometers jut guessed it.
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