diy sos

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Sitting watching diy sos and seen them dot dabbing straight over painted walls and bear plaster walls I always bond it first any of you lads just go straight over !!!
Ive often wondered what the make board adhesive out of, you could stick two teflon pans together with that stuff!
I know one thing what ever they make it out of it stinks like s**t well except the lafarge stuff but bg stuff is nasty.
i thought you weren't supposed to pva a wall then stick board adhesive on it, i thought the pva reacted with the adhesive causing it to fail.or am i wrong? ???
Ive used alsorts of ways over the yrs. mostly coz thats how the builder I was workin for wanted it and never had it fail. could read data sheets on dry wall adhesive till your head explodes,but in the real world the real builder just dabbs the f u c k i n g boards on any background.
If in 3-4 hrs the board doesnt hold it own weight to the wall its time for plan B.
I think your right though bigali but Skims also right. Ive seen boards stuck up with multi before now and theyve stayed but its not right.
skimmin2day said:
Over the years ive dabbed over wood steel plastic brick block concrete and wall tiles with no problem!!!
And no pva.
Yeh but hes sayin your not suppose to use pva coz it makes the adhesive fail. Is that true?
To be honest Bruce i dont honestly know mate?
i know personaly i have never pva'd a back ground prior to D &D ing that i can think of.
Never used p.v.a with dri wall. Company I used to work for used finish mixed with neat p.v.a to dab reveals when he went short of dri wall. Anyone heard of that one?
Not mixin it in but I know of builders usin multi and board coz its cheaper! On my own jobs Ill follow spec and just use drywall but I have done so under instruction from bosses. Your also not supposed to use board for over skims(according to a cscs assessor) but loads of guys do.
Bonding yeah but finnish lol thats taking the piss.
Ive put reveals up with bonding once b4 cus i needed to get them on and had run out of adhesive the bonding dried as hard as Spunky cock whilst watching a G** porno.
Bruce Willis said:
The builder wanted to save pennies and did it for yrs. Im talkin whole extensions d&d with multi.

Disgusting behaviour! I bet the bent bastards busy aswell.
Bruce Willis said:
Not mixin it in but I know of builders usin multi and board coz its cheaper! On my own jobs Ill follow spec and just use drywall but I have done so under instruction from bosses. Your also not supposed to use board for over skims(according to a cscs assessor) but loads of guys do.

board finish is ideal for low and medium suction backgrounds ;)
richardbrown said:
kirk johnstone said:
if you are worried about the adhesive sticking just damp the wall down first ;)

that isnt really going to help over a painted surface is it !

haha sorry dont know why i said that, i was thinking about dry dusty walls like when you have hacked off old plaster ::)
Rossi46 said:
Never used p.v.a with dri wall. Company I used to work for used finish mixed with neat p.v.a to dab reveals when he went short of dri wall. Anyone heard of that one?

Yeah heard that one before.
Ripped loads of houses out & noticed most of them were dabbed with finish.
Ripped some polystyrene backed boards off the other week & they were dabbed with pva & finish like you mention plus 3" plugs & screws.
The dabs were a b*****d to get off the brickwork!
So can't see a problem using it ;D
treat it exactly the same as plaster and gypbond surfaces with no key............i remember a thread a while ago that said running neat pva around a glob of gone off adhesive helped in hacking it off ............cant see why pva will affect dab adhesive myself ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
if its a gloss surface or painted you need to be using an agent such as thistle bond it etc as there is no key.

diy sos theres some showers on there. met that chris blond haired plasterer of there a few years ago at interbuild in birmngham, nice fella. pity it wernt that interior designer off it, id leave her face like a painters and decoraters radio if i had the chance :P
In my opinion if you were to use this over a painted surface or smooth surface I think that's rough these dabs are holding up a board so really needs to be keyed by scutch or thistle bond it etc . Shocking to hear some of these replys though lol !!
pwi said:
In my opinion if you were to use this over a painted surface or smooth surface I think that's rough these dabs are holding up a board so really needs to be keyed by scutch or thistle bond it etc . Shocking to hear some of these replys though lol !!

dri wall will stick to a low suction background no probs but if the paint is flaky then yes it will need scutching, thistle bond it will do nothing to help really though mate, as adhesive will stick to a low suction background anyway ;)
If unsure about a painted wall you could hire a refina scabbler and whip it over the wall. Really fast work and keys perfect.
kirk johnstone said:
pwi said:
In my opinion if you were to use this over a painted surface or smooth surface I think that's rough these dabs are holding up a board so really needs to be keyed by scutch or thistle bond it etc . Shocking to hear some of these replys though lol !!

dri wall will stick to a low suction background no probs but if the paint is flaky then yes it will need scutching, thistle bond it will do nothing to help really though mate, as adhesive will stick to a low suction background anyway ;)

again its about the bond not the suction
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