Different levels

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I am preparing one of my bathroom walls for tiling. The problem is that the existing rendered and set wall is higher than the adjoining pb section. I started to hack off the surface of the rendered section to get it roughly level with the pb. This, however, is proving difficult as it is well attached to the wall. What i propose to do is take the minimum off to allow a coat of multi/board or one coat to level this with the pb. What would you guys recommend bearing in mind the surface is going to be rough and vary in depth. I don't want to cover the pb, just butt up to it as the tiles will cover the join. It will obviously need pva'ing before plastering, what's the recommendation these days as i haven't brought any for a while
Just float bonding over the lot when it starts to turn devil float. Tile away went its set.
If you still don't want to cover the plaster board ??? Just bang all the rendering off and dab it
out to match the other pb section. Doing it like I said above is the easyest
i think youd be better of leaving the render as it is and removing the plasterboard..
replace with aqua panel and bring it flush with the render..
tiles will go better on render and aquapanel than they will on bonding/skim/one coat/anything stupidly porous and likely to deteriorate if it gets wet...
render doesnt deteriorate if it gets wet... neither does aquapanel... thats the point...
up to you though, its your house...
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