Did you ever see work as quiet?

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New Member
I never seen work as quiet, iv not a thing in the pipeline at all, i know jan is always like this but its hard to put the days in waiting for the phone to ring, >:( Maybe im wrong but i cant see it getting any better for a good while anyway, How bout the rest of you are you feeling the pinch of the recession yet?
Jan is normally quiet I am normally on site.

Well I am meant to be on site at the min but its -5 and too cold all the water is frozon and so its not worth the agro.

Hence why I am working on my websites

not had any work since november, what ive found they all want referances, cant be arsed with all that s**t,good job ive got a decent lady to look after me ;D,, just gunna ride it through. yeeah.
crap christmas eve was my last job,having to go back taxi driving till it picks up. will have to put up with plastered plasterers instead lol
Just finished my last job today, and then off to Gambia and Senagal for a month on Sat ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D hopefully the weather will be warmer and order books will be full when i get back ;)
ive got this and next week coverd then f**k all priced a job yesterday and didnt get it but the price hes taken is a joke i couldnt get near it the other plasterers must be working for about £80 a day and im not doing that
as danny said worst time of the year, had a couple of calls today, where jobs are just getting going again after the break. Yes its gonna be tight for a while boys but chin up, just have to try and put yourself about a bit more, work on websites,advertising...contacts etc......we will just have to ride the storm...good luck to all...myself included ;)
i get none cause the wife works over 18 hours a week. always paid my ni stamp thought this would cover me if no work appartenly it dosnt because its a second class stamp. c##ts begs the question why we pay it :o
cheers mates,i aint paid no ni stamps for last year , so you cant claim any housing benefits then, or working tax benefits, tut,
should have a start on monday on a big job if that falls through its back to the ventriloquist act and stand up comedy :D
Am OK till Easter at the moment. It's alright Gordon Brown saying they will bring forward government projects to create jobs, but all that means is they will get the jobs done cheaper by companies undercutting each other for the work, and we'll get s**t rates.
it's rubbish this way mate (brizzle) but for the first time buyers its a good time to buy a house and fix the rate for 25 years!.........bugger i'm tied in :(
got to see a job on thursday..............apart from that, nothing. just doing jobs round the house and taking it easy........ im lucky my miss has a secure job
yea im ganna buy the other half of my house this year! im on a 50% shared owership at the mo
i could do with more work , running out of my pennies now, pricing up jobs without undercutting myself but some one is still working for f*** all and gerting the work around here, 9ft by 9ft ceilling reboard and skim, i charged all in 200 , rang woman back some one said 100, why!!!! getting paid the same as a call centre answering the phone after the materials he must be picken up 70quid ,
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